Monday, July 2, 2007

Just brushed clean feeling

I have to go to the dentist tomorrow...not really excited. I know I have a cavity and that's just not fun. I also think my wisdom teeth need to be pulled so that's just going to suck. I hope it doesn't mess up my summer plans, aka Florida and moving back to Nofo. Although, if I'm getting my wisdom teeth pulled it'll mean I can't work! Hooray! But the pain is going to blow.

So what's new in the life of Andrew...well, I ordered a macbook on Saturday and that should be here soon! I'm getting a ferret soon. I bought the cage today, and the pet store gets new ones in next week sometime so I'll go then and see what's good.

Tonight is my last night at McDs for the week. Then I have three nights at Cold Stone. Not this coming friday, but the one after that should be quite a nice paycheck! That's all that's really new with me. Just hanging out and chilling. Counting down the days til I go to Florida and then move back to Virginia. I'm super excited. I want classes to start and I just want to live down there. It's going to be great living on my own. Probably a little scary too, but overall a lot of fun. I'm going to be the only one living there for a while I think. Andrew is moving in on the 15th or so, and I don't know when the other three are moving in. I think when my mom moves me in I'll ask her if she'll buy the first bunch of grocieries! I'm spoiled I know, but hey...what can I say?

I'm excited to go to Busch when I get there because I want to ride the new ride! My friend Kelly is coming down with me when I move in, that's going to be tons of fun too! Well that's all I've got for now. Please enjoy my life.



Ashley said...
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Ashley said...

ooops. i wondered what that button did and apparently it deletes your comment... I found your blog and i got excited! you'll LOVE your macbook i'm sure of it. and you need to come home soon bc jason needs someone to speak spanish with him. he's driving me crazy with it :)