Saturday, July 14, 2007

Leaves Hands Feeling Soft and Refreshed

Yesterday was a good day! I worked 1-11 at Cold Stone and got paid from both jobs! That makes my bank account, and me, very happy!

At McDonalds I checked the schedule for next week and I'm not on it! I told them I could work Sunday and Monday and they didn't put me on. Oh well, I didn't really want to work there anymore anyway. I'm just going to miss Becky. She was the cool manager. Last night as I was leaving she gave me a hug and said, "The ones I like always leave." And when I told her that I wish I could work longer she said, "It doen't matter, because in the end it only matters how you live." She was really fun to work with.

On to other news. Sunday is my last day at Cold Stone. Andrew = Sad. Last night was this girl Caroline's last day and it made me sad, she was a lot of fun to work with. But I've made some cool friends working there and I bet that I'll still talk to them even after I move back to VA. I think I'll bring my camera into work and take lots of pictures of them.

Today I have my cousin's graduation party and then work 6-11. Usually I'll get 20 hours in a week. I'm working 20 hours in 3 days at Cold Stone haha, I'm going to make that last paycheck count! The other day at our crew meeting we were learning about X-Factor, which is like throwing ice cream and stuff and we had a "finals" where three people (one from each group) threw the ice cream and whoever had the best "skills" won. I went last and decided to try and throw it from behind my back and it landed perfectly in the cup. It was cool. I thought it was either going to hit the wall or the cup, and it hit the cup. I got a $10 gas card! Then I was second in Cold Stone Idol.

Last night when I was working I had just finished mopping the floor and the music was on loud and I was being cool trying to dance (we all know that doesn't work at all) and I slipped and feel right on my face. I bruised my knee and my thumb (random I know, but when I stood up it was black from the bruise). I just sat there and laughed so hard because I am such a tool sometimes. Luckily only one person saw me fall and she came running laughing, then I told everyone else and they laughed too. It's a good thing I can laugh at myself.

Well that's all I got for now.


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