Saturday, July 7, 2007

Q-Tip and Civic

So I went and bought another ferret today. His name is Q-Tip since he's got a white head. They're pretty funny when they're together. They were wrestling and at one point one of them made a horrible screeching sound and it sounded like he was hurt, but then they continued playing. Now after they're all done wrestling they're curled up next to each other sleeping. They're really cool.

I have to work today 6-11, it should be fun. I'm working with my fun assistant manager. She likes to fake yell at me and call me Kevin. I'm going to miss these people when I leave there. I joined their facebook group so that we can stay friends haha.

I think I should start packing up my stuff and get it all ready to move. I'm so lazy that I don't want to haha.

I finally got all my stuff onto the mac (my itunes and pictures)...I have so many pictures. I have a 2GB flash drive and I filled it once already and am now putting the rest of the pictures on it to transfer...I think I take a lot of pictures. Oh well, they document life.

I don't really have anything else to write about so I might get some lunch and a nap!


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