Thursday, July 19, 2007

Take A Stand

Welcome back to another interesting update in the life of Andrew! I went to bed around 11 p.m. last night and woke up at 8:42 to a text message from my cousin. I was awake and decided I was up for the day. Then I took my pills to take away the pain, and then I fell asleep until now. I havn't slept this long at all this entire summer. I can't even tell you when the last time I slept in this late was. It feels nice though!

So I'm thinking I'll be able to eat real food soon. Becuase I really want a grilled cheese. It's kind of disgusting how bad I want one. I also want Andrew to make me a chocolate cake. Do it now!!

So I'm going to Florida in 5 days! Super excited about that! And in 13 days I'll be back in VA!!! Moving into my new house! Wow I cannot wait. I have to call the vet in VA and schedule an appt for my ferrets for once I get down there so they can have their next set of shots and stuff. They're so funny!

Harry Potter comes out TOMORROW NIGHT!!! Also really excited about that!

Last night I hung out with this girl from Cold Stone...her name's Sam and she's a lot of fun. Unfortuantely she has a boyfriend, I'm moving back to VA soon, and she's going off to college too. But who knows, maybe we'll meet up again in the future at some point. I've been to Cold Stone three times in the past two days and I really miss the people from there. They're hilarious and lots of fun.

Today I don't think I have any plans. Just going to lay around and watch tv. Maybe read something, but I don't really know. I can open my mouth pretty far now, so maybe that means I can eat something delcious!

Last night I went to my grandparent's house for dinner with my dad and brother. That was fun. I like seeing them. My Grandma made chicken and mashed potatoes and salad. I couldn't eat the salad which made me sad, but I ate the chicken and potateos. Granted it was more like I swallowed all of it, but ya know.

Maybe I'll clean the ferret cage today. It's gross but needs to be done.

That's all I've got for now!


1 comment:

Andrew said...

Take a stand for what?