Sunday, July 22, 2007

Half Price Appetizers!!

Let's see, what's good in the world today? I'm currently on page 587 of Harry Potter and my goal is to finish it tonight...we'll see!

Yesterday was quite the interesting day, I woke up and read for a while and then my cousin came over and we hung out and played with the ferrets. We then went to get Chinese food and went off to Senior Palooza Part Deux, which is a big party that my class has once a year to party together. I had already decided before I got there that I wasn't going to be partying that night. So we get there and it was just about the lamest party I have ever been to. There was a theme, actually two, GI Joes and Army Hoes, and Grafitti. I didn't dress either of them, but if it really came down to it I could have been grafitti.

Well at the party, I played many games of beer pong and made my partner drink it all, which was a lot of fun. I just love playing that game! So after a while my friends showed up and it became a little bit more fun. Played more pong and just watched everyone drink themselves away.

So I already had a full car of people to bring home from the party when my friend Morgan asked me if I could bring her, her boyfriend and his friend home since they obviously couldn't drive. I accepted becuase I'm not going to let people drive drunk. Needless to say I ended up doing two runs of people home, after convincing Morgan's boyfriend that he wasn't driving, and yelling at him to get in the car. That was fun. Then I got lost getting back to the party but managed to get there and bring the other people safely to their destinations.

Everyone was trying to give me money for driving them, but they don't have to becuase I would rather pay for gas then go to their funeral, ya know? But needless to say I think there's money sitting in my glovebox. Maybe I'll spend it on dinner tonight, haha.

Well, I think I'm going to read a lot more before dinner, so that's all I've got for now.


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