Saturday, June 30, 2007

Uncommon Convenience

So i always find random titles for my posts. This one is printed on a Wachovia pamphlet I received in the mail the other day. Maybe it will tie into what I'm writing.

So another day of work has passed and it wasn't too bad. I was done with all my stuff by 12:30 again, but didn't get out of there until 12:50 becuase other people didn't finish their stuff. I'm also a little bitter towards that place because I only have 10 hours next week. Sunday and Monday.

Sunday is not going to be a fun working day. I work 12-5 at Cold Stone and then 7-12 at McDonalds. I am going to be pooped. Hopefully it will result in lots of money by the end of the summer though.

Last night at work I was working with this kid who likes to talk about everything, even though eh doens't know lots about anything. So he was telling me how all religion is a lie and that everything about Christ is based on astrology. Apparntly in the past there have been 10 or so other figures that were born on the 25th of December, had 12 disciples, were killed on the cross, and were resurected 3 days later. He was going on and on, until finally I aruged a point with him and I said, "Sorry, you're talking to a Christian here." And he replied, "Oh, are you offended?" and I replied, "Not offended, I just think you're wrong." Then we got a huge order and the conversation stopped. But then again he asks, "So what sect are you?" and I reply, "Catholic." "Do you like it?" he asked me and I said, "Very much so." and then the conversation was done for good.

I feel like I kind of missed an opputunity for some evangelism there. Oops. We'll see where else these conversations can lead in the coming weeks.

The other night when I was working, I told the working manager (with whom I had never really worked before) that I really hate wasting all this food and he goes, "I heard." Do the managers talk about me? If they do I wonder what they're saying. Apparntly they talk about how much I hate wasting all that food. Last night I didn't waste that much, becuase I don't cook as much right before we're about to close. I would rather tell the customers that we're out of something than throw it all away.

Today I have to work CS 6-10. It'll be a cute little 4 hour shift. that place is a lot of fun. I like working there. McDonalds can be fun, but mostly it's just tiring and I get burned. Speaking of which, last night I got burned something gross, the skin on two of my fingers blistered immediately and then it popped and oozed and now I have a cut. It sucks. I wonder how scarred I'm going to be by the time I leave there.

Well that's all I've got for now.


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