Monday, July 16, 2007

16 days til I come home!

Wow, I have a mix of emotions right now. I'm really tired (I never sleep in anymore), I'm really nervous (about getting my wisdom teeth pulled tomorrow), and I'm sad becuase yesterday was my last shift at Cold Stone. I was supposed to work 12-5 but then I covered for someone and worked 12-10 instead. It's really okay though becuase I love those people.

When the store had closed I was behind the stone and was like, "Well my friends, it's been a pleasure working with you all!" and then I hugged them all, even the new people who I had met twice haha. Then Sam walked out with me and she gave me a big hug and I'm going to miss working with them. But I think I'm going to go to Seabreeze with Sam on Thursday, so that will be fun! I'll be hopped up on vikodin too, so the rides will be really weird.

Harry Potter comes out Friday! Be excited!!! I'm really sad about that too! I don't want the series to end, but I know that it must. What if the book only said, "HAHA, the real book comes out in 2 years!" I think I would throw a fit and cry. But I know that isn't the case.

So the teeth come out tomorrow. I am so nervous. I hope it doesn't hurt for too long after they're done taking them out. I just want my face to not swell, and for there to be no pain! I go to Florida in 8 days! I'm excited about that too!!! I think it will be tons of fun!! Then three days later I peace on home to Nofo! Time to turn that house into a place to live! For a little while it'll just be Civic, Q-Tip and myself. But I have tons of people down there that I can hang out with and not be bored. Not to mention I'll also start working at Cold Stone down there again. Oh money, you're such a problem but I love you.

Well that's all I got for now, I think I'm going to go take a shower.


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