Thursday, July 5, 2007

Everything mac, everything else

So I got my macbook today! It's so cool! I still have no idea how to work everything on it yet, but I'm definitely in love. I cannot wait til I get it all figured out and get all my music and photos on it! Then I shall be all set!

So I have one more BIG thing to buy this summer and then I'm done spending money. A ferret. I still havn't thought of a good name for him/her (hopefully a her, but you never know). I hope it's funny and loves to play. And better yet, I hope it loves VA becuase that's where it will be living with me in a few short weeks!

Speaking of which, I cannot wait to move in! To be on my own and just live down there. I'm really excited. I get to see my friends again whom I havn't seen in a month or so.

Also, Harry Potter comes out really soon too! I am REALLY excited about that. I hope I have it finished by the time I go to Florida or else I'll be reading when I'm there!

Well I'm just waiting for my cousin to come over so we can run to Best Buy so I can finish my setting up process!!


1 comment:

Jason said...

I want a Mac. I went to the Apple store and checked out the Iphone. I think you can control a small country like Lichenstein with this phone.