Wednesday, July 18, 2007

I wish the hiccups would go away.

So I have had the hiccups since last night. Do you know how annoying that is? I am no longer numb, and I am on prescription Ibuprofen, vicodin, and amoxicillin. Aka...I'm pretty drugged up. It's amazing how they get rid of the pain though. I'm a pretty big fan of that!

Last night my brother called me at 2:46 a.m. and asked me if I could bring the jack to his car to him becuase his tired fell off the car and the jack was in the driveway. I was in so much pain from getting up without having any painkillers in my system. But I was a nice person and brought it to him. Then I came home and took a pill and passed out! But my hiccups had come back when I got up to leave.

Today my cousin Katelyn and I are going to my grandmother's house to talk to her about issues we feel are important within our family. It'll be interested to see how it goes. Last night Katelyn came over and we had a long talk with my mom about how our family kind of sucks and how it's bullshit. So we'll see where that goes!

Today I'm also going to dinner at my dad's parent's house. That could be fun, I havn't seen my grandparents since March, so that'll be fun. Then afterwards I'm going to Barnes and Noble with Sam from work. That too will be a lot of fun! I cannot wait for Harry Potter to come out Friday!!!! Then I'm going to Florida on Tuesday! I was looking at the hotel we're staying in, and man is it nice! It's only 6 miles from Disney World! I also want to stop by Hard Rock Cafe and get a shirt, becuase I love Hard Rock shirts!

Well I think Morgan might be coming over for a bit before I go to my grandma's house so this is all I've got for now.


1 comment:

Ashley said...

hello, jason and i consolodated our blogs and the sites name is:

i know, confusing