Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Here at Cold Stone we sing songs, do da do da

Happy 4th of July! I guess that's where I should start. Although, it doesn't feel like July becuase it's cold and rainy right now. Oh well. So I hate rainy days, and sometimes I hate holidays even more because I don't have anything to do. People are with their families or having parties and usually I am too, but I don't think that the 4th, on a rainy day, warrants a party. I have to work tonight and I really hope people don't want ice cream on a cold rainy day.

Yesterday I went to the dentist and my teeth are nice and clean, kind of hurt, but clean. I also scheduled to have my wisdom teeth pulled on July 17th. That means that my last day of work is going to be the 16th! I'm excited about that part because I'll have some time off in the Summer before I go to Florida and before I leave. I hope it doesn't hurt too much when they're doing it. I hope I get good painkillers too!

The other day I ordered a bunch of Disney movies from Amazon and they should be here tomorrow! Speaking of being here, my MacBook should be here tomorrow too!! I cannot wait for it to arrive. I received some helpful information so that I can transfer all my stuff to the new computer!

I bought a ferret cage on Monday, and I'm going to buy the ferret sometime next week. I'm really excited about that too. I wonder what its name will end up being...hmm

Well that's all I've got for now, except yesterday at work I cuz my leg on the stupid cold stone and it started bleeding.

Al fin.


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