Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Easy Open Grip'N'Flip Bottle

Buenos dias! And what a good morning it is. It's July 11, 2007 which means I have exactly 3 weeks left here in the ROC. I cannot wait to get to my new house where there's central air. I never realized how much I took AC for granted until we moved and it's not installed here. It sucks. Especially at night when I'm trying to sleep and it's just so hot that I stick to myself. Gross. I've been thinking about all the things that I need to bring down and I just get really excited thinking about it.

I don't have to work tonight, which is really nice, but kidn of weird. I've been working a lot this summer and a day off is just exhilerating. I also don't have to work tomorrow, but I do have a meeting to go to at 9 am in Pittsford (for those of you that don't know, it's a good 25 minutes away). But I will get paid for it :). Speaking of getting paid, I get paid Friday from both Cold Stone and McDonalds. I think I am going to love these paychecks.

Last night I saw Harry Potter 5 at midnight. It was definitely better than the first four movies, but I just get extremely dissapointed with them becuase they aren't how I pictured. The last fight between Dumbeldore and Voldemort is in my mind, amazingly huge and awesome. In the movie it was just okay. Nothing spectacular. Oh well. I guess that's why I'll always have my imaginiation and that cannot be taken away.

I've been reading this novel for a very long time and I'm almost done. It's called The Stone Monkey by Jeffery Deaver. Normally it never takes me this long to finish a book, but I've been really busy that I never have time to read a lot. I don't know if I should start another book when I finish because Harry Potter 7 comes out on the 21st at midnight and I know that I'm going to dedicate all my time to that book. Why is Harry Potter so capitvating? Does anyone else love them as much as I do? I'm sure there are people who are completely obsessed but I just get generally excited thinking about this world.

I wonder what I'm going to do when the series is over. There won't be any more books to anticipate. Maybe some new hit series will come around. I doubt it, but ya never know.

Today I'm seeing Transformers with Kelly, and then possibly Harry Potter again later tonight. I know I just complained about it, but my friends want to see it again and it wasn't a horrible movie so I can sit through it again.

Well, I have to clean the ferret cage today and I'm not too excited about it...oh well. They smell so it has to be done.


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