Sunday, July 8, 2007

Soothes and Cools Sunburned Skin

What a day it has been already. I went to bed at 2 am and was woken up at 6:22 by my ferrets. They're noisy drinkers. Oh well.

This morning I actually went church. Every Sunday I wake up to go, and then I sit at my computer and just watch the time go by and don't go. But I'm really glad that I went today.

There was nun there who is form Ireland who is involved in a missions order. She has lived in Kenya for 32 years. She was describing how unfortuante it is there, but how great it is to be spreading the great word of God to the children and adults. I was blown away by her stories and I feel even more convicted than ever to go on a missions trip next year. I don't know if it would be to Africa, preferably somewhere where they speak Spanish, but I definitely feel that I need to go. Not only will it help other people but it will help me grow in my faith in ways that I cannot comprehend.

Another thing the priest talked about was how we all have to be Jesus to our friends. I have been hearing this many times from someone and it never clicked. But today I realized how important it is. To be there for and to love our brothers and sisters is extremely important, and it shouldn't be detered by petty human feelings. This is causing me to reevaluate my relationships and to see how or even if I've been "Jesus" to them. Do I care for them and show them love when they hurt me? Do I never give up? These are all questions I'm asking myself and I'm guessing that everyone should ask themselves.

Well, now I have to go work at Cold Stone 12-10.


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