Friday, July 20, 2007

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

Wow. The series comes to an end tonight. I don't know how to handle this. How do you just accept that it's over after so many years of waiting. What will I look forward to for a while? It might sound pretty sad that the only thing I look forward to is Harry Potter, but it is just a great thing to wait for during the summer.

Today I'm seeing Hairspray with my friend. I like movies that are musicals. I think it makes the movie more fun. I ate pizza last night. Granted I had to cut it up into little peices and chew it with my front teeth, but still, it tasted good! I think today I'll eat more Mac n' Cheese shapes. Those go down nice and easy and taste stupendous.

Wow, I'm going to Florida in 4 days. I am so excited. I was looking at the hotel we're staying at, and it's so nice. I'll be taking a lot of pictures! After the Florida trip I have three short days left in NY. It's so close and I couldn't be happier! I've been thinking about it and I just don't think I'll live in NY again. It's time for me to start my life, and I just don't forsee it involvin Rochester, New York.

I get my last paycheck from McDonalds today. I'll be honestly surprised if it's more than $30. As long as it covers my Harry Potter book I'm good.

I have to call the Virginia vet today and set up a time for my ferrets to get all shot up. Hopefully it's not too expensive, but hey, I can't complain.

I'm kind of excited to finish Harry Potter becuase I bought 8 books that I want to read, but obviously I can't read them until I am done with Harry Potter.

Well, that's all I've got for now and I'm kind of hungry.


PS my titles never really have anything to do with what I write about. I see random things written on papers or posters and they become my title.

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