Monday, July 23, 2007

Thank You Very Much, J.K. Rowling

Wow, I feel kind of depressed after finishing Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Only because that the series is over. It actually ended. I wonder if another great book series will come along like Harry Potter? For some reason I just don't think one will and we'll all be re-reading Harry Potter forever. I won't give away anything, but as soon as you've finished it, please talk to me about it becuase I would love to!

I'm going to Florida tomorrow!! I'm really excited about that too! Stacy, Lexe, and I are going to tear that place up! Show them how the North does it in the South hahaha. But it'll be a lot of fun. A nice vacation before going to back to VA and working again and starting school. I am really excited to go back to VA though. 9 days I believe!!!

I have to take the ferrets to the vet today, that should be funny. Then I'm going out to dinner with Sam from Cold Stone. She's a lot of fun, I'm going to miss her when I leave. I havn't started packing yet...I probably should. Both for school and Florida.

Well now I can start reading one of the 8 other books I bought, still isn't the same as Harry Potter though :(.

I should also go pack, shower, and begin my day.



Ashley said...

have fun in florida!!!!

Andrew said...

i don't think we're allowed to have ferrets in the house. we need to talk about that.....