Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Solo en Dios puede una persona encuentra felicidad verdadera

My title today is "Only in God can a person find true happiness." As I've been home I think I am truly discovering this, and not really the easy way. I've been hanging out with my friends and it's been fun, I've been happy, but it's not true happiness. I know this because a lot of the time I'm with them we are talking about other people. We never really discuss anything important or worthwhile. I know that when I'm in Virginia and hanging around with my Christian friends, I am really happy because they are there encouraging me to constantly seek out God. But I've also been told lately that I'm not always going to have these people around. I need to figure out how to remain encouraged on my own, well not on my own, but without the help of physical people. This confuses me slightly becuase I don't really know how. At Rockbridge they talked a lot about being a child of God. I'm still unsure of how to do that. Why do I remain so caught up in life and buying things to notice that spiritually I'm suffering? How does buying a new computer (granted I love my new mac) make me happy? It can't. All it can do is give me something else to occupy my time instead of spending it with God. This past week I went to church for the first time since I've been home and it was great. Hearing a homily and connecting with it. I know that I find it in Norfolk so easily. But where is it in Rochester? Is the company I keep distracting me?

Where do you go when you don't know what you're looking for? How do you seek out an asnwer when you don't really know the problem? I guess this is something that will require a lot more prayer and thought. I look forward to church this Sunday and to hear what message God is going to send through the Priest and the Gospel.

Well I have a 9am Cold Stone meeting tomorrow so it's off to bed I go.



Ashley said...

I'm so happy that you are struggling with this. What a hard but great place to be in where you feel isolated from encouragement and growth. Just from constant experience with this and reading a few books about it, let me encourage you to read scripture. It is right that you will not always have the company you have in Norfolk but you will always have the company of prophets and sinners from the holy scriptures. I'm proud of you!

Jason said...

Me encanta espanol!

Jason said...

You mentioned that you will not always have these people around to help encourage you. But I think that if you seek , God will put more people, new people in your life. We can't wait till you come back home...I think I can say Virginia has home qualities.