Tuesday, July 10, 2007

How Much is Your Gift Card Worth?

Good morning my readers. How are we this morning? Here in Rochester, NY it's a beautiful day with a sunny skies and probably heat that will kill me later. Last night was my last day at MCDS for the week, and possibly forever. I don't know if they're going to schedule me next week. I hope not. I hate it there again. I just want to work at Pittsford Plaza Cold Stone forever! I have to work there tonight, but I get excited when I think about it. I'm also working there Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Possibly Thursday too. Then I'm done :(.

Tuesday is the day that I'm getting my wisdom teeth pulled. I hope it's quick and not too much pain. But we'll see I guess. Then I have a three days to get better because Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows comes out Friday at midnight, and I have to go to Barnes and Noble to get my copy!!! Speaking of Harry Potter, the fifth movie comes out tonight at midnight, which I'm also going to! I'm going to speed like the dickens from Pittsford to Greece to get there on time.

I really want to speak Spanish right now, but I don't have anyone to speak it with. I need a Spanish friend. Next Summer I'll hopefully be in a Spanish speaking country and then maybe the Summer after that I'll host a foreign exchange student! Wouldn't that be fun?...I think it would be!

I wonder if French is a hard language to learn. I start next semester and I guess after that I'll decide if I'm going to continue with it or to just focus on Spanish. If I did just Spanish I would probably be able to graduate early. OR spend a nice long time studying abroad! My goal as of now is to go to Costa Rica, thanks to a wonderful recommendation by Ryan Weber, but who knows. I also have a free trip to Spain sometime in the near future and I am REALLY excited about that.

Anyone want to go to Spain with me sometime? I want to go to Europe with my friends and chill. And if we go to Spain, it'll be easier to communicate with the natives, or Italy, and possibly France. Haha.

Well I have a lot of stuff to do today so this will end my post. I know you're heartbroken becuase you just love the way I write and it drips off your tongue as you're reading.


PS I love my MacBook

1 comment:

Ashley said...

you need to name your macbook. my macbook's name is juandisimo. (it used to be ernie, but that sucks). your's has to be a girl and they both can then go on a date :)