Friday, July 6, 2007


Today I bought a ferret! His name is Civic. I think it's a cool name. I was driving home with him (in my Civic) and I just thought it fit.

Unfortunately he's really lonely without his siblings around, so my mom told me I can get another one haha. So tomorrow I'm going to go back and get one of his brothers. Then they'll play all day together and won't be lonely.

So much is happening so fast. In less than a month I'll be in VA living on my own. As excited as I come across, I'm really kind of nervous. I think for the first 2 weeks or so I'll be there completely by myself. That's a little scary. But I'll be working and I'll have Civic and soon-to-be-named brother to keep me company.

I'm excited to go back to Blessed Sacrament church. I love that church. I'm excited to hang out with people that I havn't seen in a while. I'm excited to eat at Jason and Ashley's. But I'm still scared. I guess this is a taste of the future. Living on your own. I know that if anything comes up my family is there for me, but they're far away. True independence and growing up is scary.

Well I'm tired and have a lot to do tomorrow, but I'll contiue this later.


1 comment:

Ashley said...

if you get scared... you can stay here! :) but no ferrets allowed