Friday, June 15, 2007

Where is the Summer going?

So I havnt updated in a while, but that's okay. I started working at McDonalds this past week and it's not fun at all. Granted I've only worked there twice so far, but sucks.

Today I had a meeting with the Cold Stone owner and I'm going to start working there next week too. Therefore I am going to be working EVERY DAY at either Cold Stone or McDonalds. What I hate the most about MCDS is that it's so late (I know Andrew, you work later than me. Shut up.). I get really tired around 10 and then I realize that I still have another 3 hours. Tonight I'm starting to be on my own kind of. I hope I don't mess up too bad. Oh well, it'll be an interesting learning experience.

I feel like Summer should be over now. My last school thing was May 1st and I've done nothing but relax since then and now I feel that school should be starting again, but it's not until August 27. I can't wait to move back to Norfolk though! August 1 I'm going down there and moving into my house. When I got hired at MCDS I didn't tell them that I was leaving by August 1st. They think I'm going to be there until the end of August. Oh well, tonight I have to tell them that starting the week after next I cannot work Tuesdays and Saturdays so I can work at Cold Stone. I like Cold Stone cream is a lot more fun than getting burned by grease and hot grills. PS You shouldn't eat at MCDS. The food is DISGUSTING.

Well that's all I can really think of that's new. My dad is going to buy me a bed when I get to VA so I'm excited about that haha. Well I must now go get ready for work so leave some comments and enjoy my life.


1 comment:

Andrew said...

OHhh wahhhhh, Andrew's life sucks becuase he has to work 5 hours at Mceedeessss.....hahahaha