Sunday, June 17, 2007

I guess we're all a bit emo sometimes

Well today was just not a good day. I went to bed at 2 last night and got up around 9, I know that's 7 hours of sleep but it was 7 sucky hours of sleep. I wanted to go to church but I had no motivation to get out of bed, so I laid there for an hour and a half and then finally got up. Today was Father's Day and I'm just not down with this day, so I went to Katie's house and played cards with her, Jeremiah, and her mom. I love her family.

I came home and had to eat dinner by myself since I have to work at 7 and that just doens't fit anyone else's schedule, so I did that and watched tv and continued reading this book.

I am definitely ready to go back to Virginia. I've had my fill of NY. People are fake and stupid sometimes and I just want to leave them.

The other day my mom was talking about getting a puppy. I'm pretty sure she's saying that because she wants me to come home after this summer and she thinks a puppy will make me. Not just any puppy, but the kind of dog I've wanted since I was little.

I just don't know how I feel about my family these days. I never see them, and when they're around I am in my room with the door closed reading. Whenever I'm in my house all I do is read. I guess that's why I'm never home at night. I'm always at my friend's house playing cards or working late. I think it's pretty bad that I have no desire to talk to them. Today Rich thanked me for the present that he received for Father's Day. I walked by and said "no problem." I have no idea what this gift was. Rich is a great guy, but he's not my dad. If I don't celebrate this day with my real dad why would I celebrate it with him? I think I'm really bitter about something right now and I don't really know what it is.

I think I run away to VA. I know that I can get away from my family and only deal with them through the telephone. It's a lot easier that way.

Well, on a happier note I'm going to lunch with Darcy tomorrow. I think I'll include a picture of her with this post so you can see who I'll be eating with!

Well, that's it for tonight...I'm going to try and sleep for a while.


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