Thursday, June 21, 2007

You just never know

So lately I've just been extremely apathetic towards everything. I call people, they don't know answer and then they don't call you back right away. It's discouraging. It also sucks when you don't talk to people all the time like you want to. But everyone is busy and you can't just expect them to be available when you are.

Today I got a voicemail from my friend Doug and he said, "I'm going to tell you what this man said to me coming out of church. He looked me in the eye and said, "Be encouraged," and shook my hand with both of his. So I am standing here shaking your hand with mine and looking you in the eye and saying, "Be encouraged.""

That right there just was great to hear. I feel as if I just get bogged down with all that's on my mind and I forget about the great things that are in this life. I focus on the negative aspects. So I guess I was shocked today, but in a great way.

My friend Kelly is on her way over and I'm excited to hang out with her. I hung out with Katie and Jeremiah today and we went to the mall and then to lunch. They make my Summer fun and relaxed. I have to work tonight and I'm just not upset about it anymore. I look forward to work now. The people are strange, but a lot of fun.

I guess encouragement is something that we all need a lot of, and it makes me wonder if I am giving encouragement to anyone or if my negativity is pouring out onto them. I think this calls for an examination of how I portray my life to people.

Well that's all I got for now.


1 comment:

Andrew said...

Hey yo, it sucks when no one comments but like one person...yeah i know the feeling makes me not want to write anything anymore because the more i think it about it the more stupid it is.But i'll be responding to this post in my email to you. later homz.