Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Well, this has been a fun week home. I've gotten to hang out with a lot of people and catch up.

Last night I went to the Fall Out Boy concert at Darien Lake. We got VIP tickets and seats. It was nice becuase it was free. My aunt had tickets that she wasn't going to use.

The other day my cousin and I counted up all the change I had saved from school and it's about $50! I also have a 50 dollar savings bond to cash in, and 55 euros. So I'm gonna do pretty well when I go to the bank today.

I'm also excited to go to the library and get out 5 books that I'm going to read. I will finish the list of 100 Challenged Books!

Today I have my meeting at McDonalds to get hired. Should be interesting and if I get out early enough I'm going to go to the boys varisty baseball game in Weiland with Stacy. That's always a lot of fun hanging out with her.

Speaking of Stacy, I cannot wait to go to Virginia for Jason's wedding in a week or so! It's going to be a lot of fun! I'm really excited for them!

Well that's all I have time for now. Leave some comments!


1 comment:

Andrew said...

UPDATE! Put something that you have been thinking about or something thought provoking