Sunday, June 17, 2007

Today is the day

Today is the day that I'm going to stop eating meat. I don't really know why, I just feel like it. Maybe I'll lose more weight, that's a plus. I think it will also be a challenge to myself because I love to eat meat, especially chicken. Oh well.

So work is actually kind of fun now, last night I worked with a bunch of good people and I know what I'm doing now so it was fun. I got to wear the fun headset and hear when people order. Sometimes people are morons.

During my shift I went to get my drink, which is right by the manager's office, and my manager said, "can I ask you a question?" and I said, "sure." and she goes, "Are you a Christian?" and I said, "Yes," and she goes, "Can I just tell you that it shows?" and I was like, "ok," and walked away. Is that a good thing that she said that? I was a little confused. I think it was becuase I really like this manager. She was a lot of fun and she wants me to go to the Roost with her sometime (the Roost is a club that plays country music and you do line dancing). It's pretty freaking cool. So needless to say, work ended and I came home and went to bed. For some reason I can never go to sleep as soon as I get home, I have to wait like oh, an hour before I do. I'm kind of weird.

I have to work agian tonight and I'm not really dreading it at all. We close at 11 today so I'll get out earlier!! The only thing I dread is wearing my shoes becuase they cut into the back of my foot and it hurts. I guess I'll put a band-aid on it.

Today is Father's Day and I don't know how I feel about this day. I think I've decided not to celebrate it.

Tomorrow I think I'm going to lunch with my pal Darcy, we've been rescheduling it for a long time now and I'm hoping that it works out tomorrow.

I have to call Cold Stone today, both VA and NY ones. I'm excited to start there!

Well that's all I've got for now...leave some comments


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