Saturday, June 16, 2007

I need to cut my nails

Well, it's currently Saturday June 16, 2007 and I am bored out of my mind. I have done nothing today except read more of this amazing book (The Stone Monkey) and clean my room. Sometimes I hate that I work at night because my friends work during the day and then our paths don't get to cross. But maybe tonight I can play cards with my Euchre buddies, it's what I do every night. No joke.

I just realized that the shorts I was wearing were covered in fish grime so I went and changed. I have to work tonight from 7-close. It's really not fun at all, mainly because it's McDonalds and the people are weird and I'm surrounded by food that can probably kill you (granted the meat is 100% beef...I checked). I also think I hate it becuase I don't know what I'm doing yet too. I mean I know what I'm supposed to do, I'm just not good at it yet. Yesterday I was making a sandwhich and the guy who was working with me said "it's a double cheeseburger" so I made it a double cheeseburger but really it was a Double Quarter Pounder or something and it was made wrong so it had to be thrown away. All I kept thinking to myself was, there are signs DIRECTLY ABOVE me which tell me how to make them, don't tell me what it is becuase you're going to confuse me. But I kind of like making the burgers and chicken and other things. It's more fun than putting the sandwhiches together.

Closing isn't that hard, it just takes a long time if you have to wait for the other sections to finish their crap.

But other than that I think I'm enjoying this Summer. I feel like it should be over since I finished all my exams and stuff on May 1. I wouldn't be too disappointed if I had to go back to Norfolk right now. I cannot wait to move into the house and start living there. I'm excited to see what next year brings not only with classes but with IV and just meeting new people! I can't wait also to go back to working at Cold Stone in VA. I love those people! I don't really know what else is on my mind right now, except that I long for the Christian community I left behind in VA. I feel completely alone sometimes up here, especially since Katie moved back to VA already. But I continue to keep in touch with people from school and it's not that bad, but I can't wait til I'm surrounded by it again.

I'm pretty excited also becuase my dad is buying me a bed for when I move back to Virginia, I know that's really weird that I'm excited about a bed, but I love beds, and I love it when I can fit in them and be really comfortable. My room at the new house is kind of a mess right now because I don't have any furniture, just a bunch of crap that was living in my aunt's garage. I'll put a picture in to show you faithful readers (Andrew).

Well that's about it for now

Leave some comments here and there.


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