Thursday, June 28, 2007

Del dicho al hecho hay mucho trecho

This title sums up life I believe. It means, "it's easier said than done." I don't know about you (my obsessive readers...HA), but I feel it's a lot easier to say you're going to do something than to actually do it. I feel as if that translates a lot with sin. At least I know in my own life it does. I say I'll try and stop doing something and then I usually end up doing it more. Either I'm not really trying, or my heart isn't in it and I'm not truly asking to have my heart changed. I guess sin confuses me. I know that I shouldn't be doing certain things, yet I do them anyway, even though right before I say, "wow, I shouldn't do this," yet there I go and do it. Tonight at work I feel that God really opened my eyes to certain aspects of my life:
1. I get angry way too easily. This woman at work is constantly telling me how to do my job, and that I should be doing something else when it's not her place. I get so angry at her and usually end up yelling back and swearing and screaming. What does this accomplish? Nothing. It just makes both of us angrier. After a while she came up to me and said, "What do you think about 12:30?" and I replied, "Let's do it." Meaning, let's get out of her really early, so she began helping me close down my station by taking dishes and I just lost all my anger. People surprise you and it's not cool to prejudge them (or judge them at all, becuase hey, who am I to judge anyone?).
This ties into point 2. I judge people way too soon and harshly. The manager that closed tonight, if you asked me any other day before today I would tell you that I cannot stand him. Tonight he was talking to me and asking me questions about my life and he's a really good guy. My mentality with people over the age of 24 at that place is that they have no life goals and are working at McDonalds. But who am I to judge their choice of work? So tonight I just realized that my anger gets me nowhere and I need to stop judging people.

Today my friend Doug called me and we had a good conversation, broken up into three parts, but still good, and he said that this was going to be a weekly thing. That gives me something to look forward to each week and it's also encouraging that my friends from VA do care about me and want to know how my summer and life are going. Especially since right now all I want to do is go back there and relax.

Tomorrow my friend Kelly is going to NYC for a week and I feel as if I'm going to be really bored. I'm really selfish when it comes to my friends. I want them just for me, I never want to share them. I guess I should get over that, huh?

Another thing that was really exciting was that Jason e-mailed me in Spanish the other day. I love reading Spanish and I love writing and speaking it even more. So I wrote him back a nice long letter just in Spanish and I hope it helps him practice and that he understands all that I said. I'm really excited to get back to VA and talk to him in Spanish, and English.

Also yesterday I had a party. It was more like a cookout and bonfire. My friend Stacy's friend Kristin came up to ROC to visit from Florida so the party was in her honor. It was really cool chilling with people by the fire all night and catching up about college and other things. A lot of people came that I really havn't spoken to since senior year and it was cool to see what they're up to.

Well, that's all I got for ya now. So check back in a few days for more adventures in the life of Andrew.


PS I think I'm going to buy a ferret soon, they're really cool. Okay, bye.

1 comment:

Andrew said...

Hey buddy, glad to see your life is going very well and that you're staying in touch with Doug and Jason. Like I said before, hold on to that. It's something that I envy but am starting to no longer want. Bye dude.