Friday, May 25, 2007

Well, today was a great day for sleeping! I went to bed around 12:45 and got up at 12:18! It was nice. It was also cool becuase I was woken up to a phone call from my friend Doug, and it was funny becuase I tried to not use my "I just woke up" voice, but I did. But then we had a good conversation about books, I know I'm a nerd, but I just don't care.

I have to go to the doctor today, I hate going to the doctor. I got really sun burned last Tuesday and now it's all scabbed and red and peeling and it itches...a lot. Well I hope today they're like, "here, you're in pain, take lots of pain killers!" Then I can just be all doped up on pain killers and laugh.

I have to get my wisdom teeth pulled this Summer I think. My aunt said they're coming in (she has a Ph.D in dental health or soemthing so I'm gonna take her word for it) and then I really will get pain killers! Hooray! I had a crazy dream last night about all ODU people, it made me miss them a little, and I can't wait to see them the first week in June!

Well I still don't have a job yet, the owner of the Cold Stone here told me he was going to call my Cold Stone in VA, but I called Norfolk Cold Stone yesterday and he hadn't called yet. I think I'll call today and see if I can talk to the owner directly and not the assistant manager.

Well I should probably take a shower since I have to go to the doctor's office. Poop.

Peace. Leave comments!


1 comment:

Andrew said...

yeah for sleep. i miss it.