Sunday, October 7, 2007

I'm cold.

So I'm sitting here in my "room" watching the first season of The Office and it's hilarious. I really enjoy this show. I think I'm going to start watching it.

Fall Break has begun, it's actually almost over. Friday morning I left Norfolk around 7:35, 35 minutes later than I wanted to, but I was making great time all the way through PA until I got stuck in traffic for a total of 3 hours. I made it to Binghamton around 5ish. I got lost in Bing for a little while and that was annoying. Needless to say I finally made it and it was a lot of fun. Kelly took me to eat dinner at her nasty dining hall and it was fun. That night we went downtown, which is ridiculously small. We went to a club and I got in using someone else's fake i.d. That was fun. Lots of funny pictures were taken. Got in really late that night and had a great sleep.

Saturday was a lot of fun too. We went to Tully's for lunch and had HUGE burgers. Then we stopped by Cold Stone and went to a pet store for quite a while. We saw two dead beta fish and moved them to the back. We also saw a dead turtle. That wasn't cool.

Today I woke up early and headed up to Rochester. It took me 2.5 hours roughly and it was an okay drive. I'm not looking forward to going back to VA because the drive sucks big hairy balls. I refuse to drive home again. I'll fly or take a train. After Christmas of course where I go home with Katie. Today I got to see Katelyn and that made my day. She came over for dinner and we laughed for a good while and then she left for work. Afterwards I went to Meg's, picked her up and we went to Cold Stone and rented a movie. We rented Breach but didn't finish watching it becuase we were tired and it took too long to get into. Then we talked for a bit and I headed home.

Tomorrow I plan on getting my hair cut and then hanging out and I don't really know. Maybe getting dinner with some fun people. Tuesday I plan on going to Odyssey so I can see Eva. That's my old high school Spanish teacher. She's my favorite. I think I'll talk to her about when I get my free trip to Spain.

Well that's all I've got for now. I'm tired.


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