Thursday, October 25, 2007

Where to begin!

So much has gone on since I last updated. Fall break is over. It was okay, there have been better. I have officially moved on from trying to regain a friendship that died a long time ago. It sucks, but you learn. I've been working at my new job for almost a month. Pretty crazy when I think about it. It's good money though. I've already made a third of what I made at Cold Stone for 7 months. Pretty ridiculous. Classes are slowly going along.

Math: still easy, sometimes a little challenging as I forget stuff that I haven't used since 8th grade. Oh well. I had an A and now I'm a few points from an A, but there's still half the semester just about to raise it.

Spanish: This class is challenging! I have two big papers due in the next three weeks and I should probably start now so that way I'm not cramming late into the night to finish and research them. It's a really fun class though, I have an A for now...I wouldn't be too upset if I got a B+ in the class. I'd like an A, but ya know.

Geography: This class has surprisingly been more difficult than I thought it was going to be. I have an even 80 right now. But there's still plenty of things to raise my grade to an A.

Politics: This class is just horribly boring. I take notes to stay awake. The teacher is nice and knows his stuff he just structures his class kind of boringly. I don't think that's a word, but you know what I mean. I got a paper back today and I'm really proud of it. I got an A and he said "Andrew, this is a great paper. You went above and beyond. Keep up the good work!" It made me feel good about the 5.25 pages I wrote. Thanks go out to Doug for editing it for me.

Next semester has been planned out and then I went to talk to my advisor and he knew absolutely NOTHING about what I need to take and the questions I had. I'm now in search of answers from people who aren't my advisors. Oh well. It'll all turn out well.

I have an interview at Aero on Monday for seasonal work. I hope I get the job so I can make some extra money for the holidays. Maybe they'll pay me roughly the same amount as the coffee shop. Then I'll be rolling in the big bucks! Ha. It's a good thing to wish for.

Today at work I started this book called The Convict Christ: What the Gospel Says about Criminal Justice. It's extremely interesting and I encourage anyone who is interested in the death penalty and criminals and what God and Jesus feel toward them to read this. It's really good, written by a man in jail for life. Very moving.

I can't believe that next week is November already. This semester is flying by. I'm kind of excited because I want to take some other classes. I'm bored with these. But if I ever have to take another geogrpahy class it will definietly be with Mr. Kidd. He's absolutely hilarious.

I'm listening to the new Juanes cd. Juanes, for those of you who don't know, is a cantautor which means he writes his own songs and they're kind of political. But in this one song, there's a guy singing in German. Kind of weird.

This weekend is the IV Halloween Party. I'm going as Dwight from The Office. Tomorrow I'm hanging out with Tyler and I think he and I are going to go thrift store shopping so I can get some good Dwight garb.

Well I want to read sme more before bed, so this is where I leave you.


Monday, October 8, 2007

Blogger sucks

So I tried redoing my fun pictures and friends thing and blogger is being gay and not letting me. wtf. i guess i'll have to do it later. maybe when i get back to school. i have new pictures that need putting up.

long drive tomorrow. Not looking forward to it.


Sunday, October 7, 2007

I'm cold.

So I'm sitting here in my "room" watching the first season of The Office and it's hilarious. I really enjoy this show. I think I'm going to start watching it.

Fall Break has begun, it's actually almost over. Friday morning I left Norfolk around 7:35, 35 minutes later than I wanted to, but I was making great time all the way through PA until I got stuck in traffic for a total of 3 hours. I made it to Binghamton around 5ish. I got lost in Bing for a little while and that was annoying. Needless to say I finally made it and it was a lot of fun. Kelly took me to eat dinner at her nasty dining hall and it was fun. That night we went downtown, which is ridiculously small. We went to a club and I got in using someone else's fake i.d. That was fun. Lots of funny pictures were taken. Got in really late that night and had a great sleep.

Saturday was a lot of fun too. We went to Tully's for lunch and had HUGE burgers. Then we stopped by Cold Stone and went to a pet store for quite a while. We saw two dead beta fish and moved them to the back. We also saw a dead turtle. That wasn't cool.

Today I woke up early and headed up to Rochester. It took me 2.5 hours roughly and it was an okay drive. I'm not looking forward to going back to VA because the drive sucks big hairy balls. I refuse to drive home again. I'll fly or take a train. After Christmas of course where I go home with Katie. Today I got to see Katelyn and that made my day. She came over for dinner and we laughed for a good while and then she left for work. Afterwards I went to Meg's, picked her up and we went to Cold Stone and rented a movie. We rented Breach but didn't finish watching it becuase we were tired and it took too long to get into. Then we talked for a bit and I headed home.

Tomorrow I plan on getting my hair cut and then hanging out and I don't really know. Maybe getting dinner with some fun people. Tuesday I plan on going to Odyssey so I can see Eva. That's my old high school Spanish teacher. She's my favorite. I think I'll talk to her about when I get my free trip to Spain.

Well that's all I've got for now. I'm tired.