Monday, November 5, 2007

4 days.

It always seems to be a while in between my updates. Today is Monday November 5, 2007. This year is almost over. In two months and three days I will be 20. I don't know how to handle that. I will no longer be a teenager. I still feel like one. Age is definitely a mental state more than a number I believe.

Today I don't have class, like always, and I'm waiting to go buy a bike with Tyler. It should be fun, then I can ride to class and not walk. Haha I'm so lazy. Oh well. I also have a follow up appointment for my ruptured ear drum. Then I have my interview at Aero at 4. I hope I get that job! It would be great! They turned the water off today for about 2 hours. I really would like to take a shower but I can't. I guess I'll have to wait til later.

I have to read a Spanish chapter before Wednesday, and write my research paper before next Wednesday. Not excited. I found out though that the actual paper part is 12.50 percent of my grade! It makes me feel a little bit better about it if it's not that great.

On Friday I'm going to Florida to visit my friend Stacy! I am really excited to get out of Norfolk for a few days. This semester has been filled with quite a bit of travelling. Leadership retreat, sandbridge trip, Rudolph, CCM retreat, Fall Break to NY, now Florida. I'm happy. Next semester for Spring Break I'm going to go to California to visit Jason and Ashley! I cannot wait. I don't want them to move, but at least I can go visit them!

Yesterday I gave the last part of my STIM application to the priest at church! Now I just have to wait for them to send it in and then for the STIM people to give me an answer! I wonder where I'll go if I get accepted. I hope it's Bolivia. But I wouldn't mind Peru either. Kenya would be cool, too. Anywhere would be awesome. I just want to speak Spanish.

HEROES is on tonight. I was reading today that the writers are going on stike and the season might end sooner than they wanted. They better work it out because there are going to be A LOT of fans that will be pissed if they have to end this season earlier than they should.

Well I'm not getting a bike today. I guess it's going to be Thursday. Oh well.

I guess I should start my Spanish paper. But I would really like a shower first. I have to wait about another hour before I can take my shower.

Well I'm off to do something. Maybe I'll clean my room. Isn't The Price is Right on soon?


Thursday, October 25, 2007

Where to begin!

So much has gone on since I last updated. Fall break is over. It was okay, there have been better. I have officially moved on from trying to regain a friendship that died a long time ago. It sucks, but you learn. I've been working at my new job for almost a month. Pretty crazy when I think about it. It's good money though. I've already made a third of what I made at Cold Stone for 7 months. Pretty ridiculous. Classes are slowly going along.

Math: still easy, sometimes a little challenging as I forget stuff that I haven't used since 8th grade. Oh well. I had an A and now I'm a few points from an A, but there's still half the semester just about to raise it.

Spanish: This class is challenging! I have two big papers due in the next three weeks and I should probably start now so that way I'm not cramming late into the night to finish and research them. It's a really fun class though, I have an A for now...I wouldn't be too upset if I got a B+ in the class. I'd like an A, but ya know.

Geography: This class has surprisingly been more difficult than I thought it was going to be. I have an even 80 right now. But there's still plenty of things to raise my grade to an A.

Politics: This class is just horribly boring. I take notes to stay awake. The teacher is nice and knows his stuff he just structures his class kind of boringly. I don't think that's a word, but you know what I mean. I got a paper back today and I'm really proud of it. I got an A and he said "Andrew, this is a great paper. You went above and beyond. Keep up the good work!" It made me feel good about the 5.25 pages I wrote. Thanks go out to Doug for editing it for me.

Next semester has been planned out and then I went to talk to my advisor and he knew absolutely NOTHING about what I need to take and the questions I had. I'm now in search of answers from people who aren't my advisors. Oh well. It'll all turn out well.

I have an interview at Aero on Monday for seasonal work. I hope I get the job so I can make some extra money for the holidays. Maybe they'll pay me roughly the same amount as the coffee shop. Then I'll be rolling in the big bucks! Ha. It's a good thing to wish for.

Today at work I started this book called The Convict Christ: What the Gospel Says about Criminal Justice. It's extremely interesting and I encourage anyone who is interested in the death penalty and criminals and what God and Jesus feel toward them to read this. It's really good, written by a man in jail for life. Very moving.

I can't believe that next week is November already. This semester is flying by. I'm kind of excited because I want to take some other classes. I'm bored with these. But if I ever have to take another geogrpahy class it will definietly be with Mr. Kidd. He's absolutely hilarious.

I'm listening to the new Juanes cd. Juanes, for those of you who don't know, is a cantautor which means he writes his own songs and they're kind of political. But in this one song, there's a guy singing in German. Kind of weird.

This weekend is the IV Halloween Party. I'm going as Dwight from The Office. Tomorrow I'm hanging out with Tyler and I think he and I are going to go thrift store shopping so I can get some good Dwight garb.

Well I want to read sme more before bed, so this is where I leave you.


Monday, October 8, 2007

Blogger sucks

So I tried redoing my fun pictures and friends thing and blogger is being gay and not letting me. wtf. i guess i'll have to do it later. maybe when i get back to school. i have new pictures that need putting up.

long drive tomorrow. Not looking forward to it.


Sunday, October 7, 2007

I'm cold.

So I'm sitting here in my "room" watching the first season of The Office and it's hilarious. I really enjoy this show. I think I'm going to start watching it.

Fall Break has begun, it's actually almost over. Friday morning I left Norfolk around 7:35, 35 minutes later than I wanted to, but I was making great time all the way through PA until I got stuck in traffic for a total of 3 hours. I made it to Binghamton around 5ish. I got lost in Bing for a little while and that was annoying. Needless to say I finally made it and it was a lot of fun. Kelly took me to eat dinner at her nasty dining hall and it was fun. That night we went downtown, which is ridiculously small. We went to a club and I got in using someone else's fake i.d. That was fun. Lots of funny pictures were taken. Got in really late that night and had a great sleep.

Saturday was a lot of fun too. We went to Tully's for lunch and had HUGE burgers. Then we stopped by Cold Stone and went to a pet store for quite a while. We saw two dead beta fish and moved them to the back. We also saw a dead turtle. That wasn't cool.

Today I woke up early and headed up to Rochester. It took me 2.5 hours roughly and it was an okay drive. I'm not looking forward to going back to VA because the drive sucks big hairy balls. I refuse to drive home again. I'll fly or take a train. After Christmas of course where I go home with Katie. Today I got to see Katelyn and that made my day. She came over for dinner and we laughed for a good while and then she left for work. Afterwards I went to Meg's, picked her up and we went to Cold Stone and rented a movie. We rented Breach but didn't finish watching it becuase we were tired and it took too long to get into. Then we talked for a bit and I headed home.

Tomorrow I plan on getting my hair cut and then hanging out and I don't really know. Maybe getting dinner with some fun people. Tuesday I plan on going to Odyssey so I can see Eva. That's my old high school Spanish teacher. She's my favorite. I think I'll talk to her about when I get my free trip to Spain.

Well that's all I've got for now. I'm tired.


Sunday, September 30, 2007

Fall Break anyone?

As I sit here ready to get into bed I can't help but think about the great weekend coming up! It's Fall Break and I am heading home. First I'm making a pitstop in Binghamton, NY to visit my friend Kelly at school. She goes to SUNY Binghmaton (SUNY = State University of New York by the way). It's going to be a fun few days! On Sunday I'm going to drive 3 hours North and go back home to the ROC. I get to visit my cousin at school and see her new place, see my mom and brother, see some friends. Hopefully go to lunch with Eva (my highschool Spanish teacher) and just relax for .3 seconds. Then Tuesday monring/afternoon I'll begin the treck back down here. It's horribly boring to go by yourself. If I weren't going to the Bing I might have invited someone to come with me, but I am so it would be weird for them to come.

Also really soon (in about a month) I'm going to Tallahassee to visit Stacy at FSU! I'm really excited about that. It's always fun when I get to see her and it'll be even greater going to her school and seeing it and meeting her friends. Hopefully it'll be warmer there, too.

I'm in search of a bike. I'm going to go to thrift stores and look for a good one. Hopefully it'll be nice and cheap, but still a reliable bike.

Well that's all I've got.


Thursday, September 27, 2007

¿Como te llamas?...Estoy roto.

Wow. Like Andrew's post it has been a really long time since I've updated. Part of it was due to lack of internet and the other part is just lazyness. So I guess it's time to be unlazy. Right now I am laying in bed and just turned on The Chronicles of Narnia to watch. I'm really excited, I've been thinking about this movie lately.

Where to start, the last thing you knew was that there was a dance party to go to. I went. It was a lot of fun and I took a lot of pictures (you can find them on Facebook). After that classes continued on and then I worked at lame-ass Cold Stone. The following weekend was the InterVarsity Chapter Retreat! I love retreats. They get you started on your Jesus high that lets you go from there. The trip up there was great. I had a car of 4 girls. So naturally, it was hectic. We got lost (following Doug and Justin though!) and then finally made it there. One word to describe this retreat: revealing.

I use the word revealing because there were a lot of things revealed to me. One. God speaks to me through Spanish. I used my Spanish Bible a lot while I was there and it just started clicking. Two. I don't know my name. If you were there you'll understand that. Three. I am broken. I am trying to find my way and understand what that means. I know that I am in need of God and Jesus so much that it hurts. My life is anything but perfect, and I need to learn that in order to help with that, Jesus needs to be the center of that help. Four. I am a judge. I am constantly judging people. But luckily, God is constantly slapping me in the face and telling me I'm wrong. I would say that this weekend I made some good friends, with the new people and with people I've known since last year.

It was extremely weird walking back into that place. I have grown so much since last year, and shrunk a little, too. Being a small group leader was really weird because I now know what it feels like to be on both sides. I really enjoyed my small group. Ashley was my co-leader and I feel so much more connected to her (you'll find out why in a little bit). That's actually what my picture is; my small group. Just kidding. It won't load.

Saturday night we had a time for extended worship and a time to pray and think. There were a few people in the back: Shane, Dawn, Jeremy, Ashley, Jessica, Doug, and Dani. I first went back and talked with Ashley. I talked about what was going on with me and then she prayed for me. I can't tell you how great it is to have someone pray for you. To hear them ask God to help you. Its truly amazing. After that I chair hopped on over to Jessica. We talked and then she too prayed for me. Again an amazing feeling. After I was finished with her, I went to Dani's chair. I was actually quite nervous about that because Dani and I had only recently started talking. We talked about STIM next year and all the great things that are going to happen. Then she prayed for me. I think that just really showed how much I don't know about people, and how much I let judgements get in my way.

Afterwards we had the bonfire, and the best part of that was that we had a GIANT massage line. It was just amazing. I got massages from so many people and gave them too. Doug wins for guys and Nicole wins for girls. They were good. This weekend was also a great time to talk with Doug and Tyler. We had great conversations sitting in the woods and talking with them was where I could open up and talk about anything. Great friendships are forming.

Sometimes I'm a douchebag. For some reason, I decide that I'm not going to call someone to hang out until they call me first. I think God is telling me that that's pretty stupid. I have run into said person every day this week. I think it's an insult to the friendship that I have and I need to stop.

What I really liked about the retreat was when Dani gave her talk about identity, and who she is. We were all given nametags for us to think about what our names are. I still don't know, but I wrote some things down. I think it's a process to figure it out and can't be thought of on the spot.

¿A dónde voy con mi vida? = Where am I going with my life?

My plan when I'm done with school is to head overseas somewhere to teach English. Maybe in Latin America or Spain. I don't want to leave behind my friends. But I guess if they are meant to be in my life in the future, God will keep them there. It's just really nerve racking becuase I'm very selfish when it comes to that and refuse to say goodbye.

Tonight I had dinner with one of the guys from my small group. It was fun, he's cool and we share the same name and cell phone actually. I look forward to getting to know him better. Tomorrow I'm getting lunch with another one of the guys and that too should be fun.

Well I'm exhausted so it's off to bed I go.

Also. Yay for an interview at the coffee shop and hopefully telling Cold Stone to fuck off.


Friday, September 14, 2007


Wow. These weeks are just going by so fast! The third week of school is already over with. Pretty soon the semester will be over, I'll be finding out if I'm gong to Bolivia and Argentina and then it will be Spring semester. Wow. My goal is to not have Dr. Gordus for classes again after this semester. He's a nice guy but I don't like his teaching methods and I prefer to have natives teach me. Oh well, I'll get plenty of that when I go to Latin America (If I go haha). I have to finish filling out my Application for STIM, give the parts to some other people and then send it in.

I'm also really happy becuase I am officially a member of Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church now! I got a letter yesterday saying, "Welcome!!" Now I'll get my fun little envelopes and tithe my life away :).

The picture above is one of my cousin, her boyfriend Nate, and me. It was taken on my beautiful Mac and I just love it. It makes me miss her a lot, but I know that I'll see her soon enough and we video chat quite frequently so it's fun. I don't think I'm going to see her until December actually, that makes me quite sad, but I'll live.

I have a lot of stuff to do today. I have to meet with Ryan and plan SG stuff, meet Laura for lunch, meet with my Spanish professor at 3:30, go to the bank, go to the pet/grocery store, call Verizon and yell at them, call Cox, begin working on my Spanish essay, begin my Politics essay, start my Spanish presentation, and there may be another thing or two that I have to do. But it's a good thing I don't have class on Fridays or Mondays. It's going to be my saving grace, I can tell right now.

Speaking of which, that's a funny little idiom right there. Saving grace. We have a saving grace. It was given to us by God, yet we choose to use it when talking about classes and other random earthly things. Kind of funnny. Well not funny, but interesting. I wonder if non-Christians know that they use these phrases and really understand where they come from.

I enjoy just laying in bed, typing on my computer, and waiting for my alarm to go off to tell me to get up. I still have 27 more minutes of free time :). How shall I use it? Maybe a quick nap.

The chapter retreat is coming up and I am so excited!!! It's going to be so much fun. There are TONS of new people coming and I cannot wait to talk to them and figure them out a little better. I don't really want to pay my $40 but oh well. This year I have to worry about making a connection with a freshman instead of being the freshman that tried talking to the other people. I already know them, and it'll just be a little weird changing roles. But I guess that's what our lives are all about. Changing. Nothering is ever there forever, you'll never know someone forever, so you have to learn to accept changes.

Tonight is a dance party, so excited! Tomorrow is the CCM BBQ and then Jason and Ashley's, so excited!! It'll be a good weekend I predict. Filled with fun and buttloads of homework. Oh well. That's what school's all about.

That's all I've got.


Monday, September 10, 2007


Hate is a very strong word. Did you know that it's used in the Gospel? I didn't until yesterday when I went to church and the Priest read it. I was very interested in what he was talking about.

Why is it that someone can have so much control over your life when you don't want them to? Why is it that they can go along without wondering what I'm doing and how I'm doing, yet I can't go five fucking minutes without thinking about what they're doing and knowing that they don't care. It's getting to the point where I didn't eat today. I had half a bowl of maccaroni and cheese, two sticks of celery, two bites of soup, and three pieces of this weird thing Katie made. It may sound like a lot of food, but it's not. On top of it I don't sleep. It's really starting to get to me and add it to the school work I have that I don't understand. I need a break from my life right now. Where can I get one of those?

If things couldn't be any more stressful, I get a 16 year old telling me that she likes me. Not only is that a. illegal, but b. I work with her and c. she's Jamie's little sister. All of that is just too much for me to handle right now.

Also, adding to my plate of shit are the leadership meetings on Tuesdays. If I can't force myself to finish my Spanish homework, I don't know if I'll attend becuase class is just more important.

I really just want to scream. All I did today was read. I went to bed around 2ish, got up at 8:40. Tried to sleep until about 9:48, but all I did was lay there. Got up and read all day. I read my new Catholicism book and then my Spanish Civ book. We have a couch now so it's more fun to sit in the family room and read. Next we just need a tv stand and some cable/dvd player.

This stress is really starting to affect me. It was okay when it was just school, but when you throw in Spanish that I don't understand and people that don't care when you try to care, it just sucks. Can someone please give me a vacation from myself?

Well I guess I'm done being emo.


Friday, September 7, 2007


So the second week of classes has ended. It was a long week! And I only have class three days out of the week. This semester is going to be very hard I think. Not class wise, but jsut intense. My classes are all squished together into three days and that's tiring. Then I have lots to do for IV and it's just overwhelming. OUr second week of NSO stuff has ended and I feel like we've met a lot of people, but how many are going to come to IV and small groups? Did they jsut sign up for free stuff? I don't want to get too caught up in numbers, even though it's important. I feel that as soon as we focus on the numbers and not the people, we're going to lose sight of what a small group or even IV is all about. Where's the happy medium?

Today I had to take the ferrets to the vet for their last distemper boosters. It was expensive but I'm glad they only need to get their rabies shots and then they're done for a year. Hooray!

So I'm slowly pluggin away on my STIM application. I hope I get accepted. I really hope I get to go to Bolivia too. I gave my reference part to Laura today and I'm so thankful that she's going to fill it out. I have to give one to Shane, Andrew, and the priest at church. I just became a member there so I don't know if he'll be able to answer the questions entirely. Maybe I'l set up a meeting with him and talk to him and then he'll know where to go from there. But I've been going to the church for about a year and I cosnider mysefl a member. Is that all that really counts? I don't know.

Tonight I think I might do some homework and read. It'll be a nice relaxing night.

Well that's all I've got for now.


Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Triple Chocolate Meltdown

Good evening readers! It is a good day. I woke up at 7:41 am and that part wasn't too good, but then I napped until about 9. That was good. Then I got up and read for my politics class and it was slightly interesting. I hope we start debating in that class becuase I like to debate. After some lunch I went to BIBLE PREPARATION 404 according to Ashley and that was okay. I don't know how much I got out of it in 30 minutes. I guess I'll have to spend more time in it by myself. It's a good jumping off point though.

Last night was my first small group and there was one person that came. I can't even really count that since it was Ryan's friend and not a freshman. Maybe next week we'll get more since yesterday was Labor Day and a lot of people went home. I look forward to the guys that God is going to bring to small group, just like He brought me to Jason and Doug's last year. After Bible class I went off to Spanish Lit. That class is so freaking hard. Next class I have an outline due for an essay and a presentation on Cotes' letters. I just need to find time to sit down and work. I think the library is going to become my best friend soon, I can't really work here, I get too distracted. I thought that class was going to be about novels and other good things, but instead we're reading poetry written by Natives right after Cortes got there. It's so hard! I don't understand any of it.

After that extremely hard class I go onto math, which is a joke all in itself. I sit there extremely bored. Oh well. I signed up for the class for an easy A so we'll see if it'll still be that easy later on down the road. I hope so becuase with the other classes I'm taking I need a nice easy one.

After my math class I headed on over to International Politics and that was fun. I think it's going to be really interesting learning about the politics of the world. Sometimes I wonder if I should pick up a minor of International something. Considering I'm a Spanish major and plan to travel a lot. I guess that's something to look into.

After class I went out to dinner with Doug and we had some really great conversations and one that I never thought about was how obsessed I've been with getting a job. Everywhere I turn I say I need a job. Why do I need a job? So I can spend money. Maybe the thing I need to learn to do is to not spend money. I think I should cancel all my credit cards and live off what money I have in my bank accounts. That way I'm limited to what I can spend, whereas if I have credit cards I know that I can spend money and pay it back later. It's not a good thing.

I talked to my friend Stacy today and I'm pretty sure that I'm going to go visit her in November. It only costs $158 to fly out of Richmond. I know that I just wrote that I shouldn't spend money, but it's vital that I go and see her. I would love to head on down to Florida. It'll be a great quick break.

Tomorrow is my cousin's birthday. I'm sad that I can't be there to celebrate it with her. Oh well, I'll give her a cute call at midnight and scream Happy Birthday to her. She's precious.

Tomorrow I'm working on my Spanish presentation from 10 until we finish it. I'm kind of nervous about it since it's for a class that I have no idea what is ever going on, but maybe this will be my turning point to understanding! Then after that I have my 3 hour Spanish Civ class. That too is killer. I have to start prepping for two essays, one for both classes. It's going to stretch my Spanish skills in so many ways.

After that is CRASH. I'm looking forward to being able to sit there and watch tomorrow. I don't have to speak which is nice. Dani was saying that she wants Katie and I to sing sometime. I think it would be a lot of fun to sing with Jason playing the guitar or singing with us. Guess we'll have to see how that turns out!

Well that's all I've got for now.


Thursday, August 30, 2007

Do you squeeze your toothpaste from the middle or the bottom?

Hello my faithful readers. I think I've decided that this is more for me than anyone else. Noone really reads this so I guess it's a way for me to write about waht I'm feeling and work things out. Sounds good to me. Enjoy my new mind set as I ramble.

I am currently overwhelmed. I've only had class for three days and there has been so much assigned and gone over. I guess that's what I get for crambing 5 classes into 3 days. Oh well. I've been having some great conversations with people in the past few days and I really had forgotten what it was like to have these people around me all summer. I think there are definitely some relationships that I want to have even after I graduate from college. Wow that time is approaching a lot faster than I would like, but I guess the only thing I can do is see where God is going to take me and use me. I guess this is a situation where it's 100% okay to be used.

I'm really excited to see where God takes IV this year. And also me. I definitely feel like talking to people that I don't know a lot more and just meeting lots of people. I guess I'll start in my classes and go from there. I also have to finish my application for STIM. That's due by November and I really hope I get accepted becuase I am just feeling being drawn towards a missions trip right now. A way that I can use the gifts I have been given and reach out to people.

I'm feeling extremely encourageed right now after talking with my friend this afternoon. That's all I've got for now, but it's a really good feeling.


Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Next stop, Sky High

Man. It's been a long time since I have updated.

Classes have begun and they're going pretty well. Granted I've only had three, but ya know. This past weekend was the IV Leadership Retreat. That was a lot of fun and I'm really excited about all the great stuff we have planned for NSO (New Student Outreach). Tomorrow is our fist Crash of the year. I'm a little nervous because I have to speak and do a skit with Andrew. It will be fun, but I always get nervous about speaking in front of groups until I get up there.

Today I had Spanish Lit. That class is going to be hard. I can tell right now. My partner and I have our presentation next Thursday and I have to read a book written by Cortes I think and it's going to be hard. But he said he goes easier on the first group that goes. And my partner is a good person to have. After that class I went ovr to my math class. My teacher is mean. She was snapping at kids left and right. She's old but I think she'll be an easy teacher. It's College Algebra so it's the easiest thing in the world. After that class I headed back to BAL for my political science class. That class is going to be fun I imagine. The teacher is young and sounds like he doesn't just want to stand up there and lecture.

Tomorrow I have my Spanish American Civ. class and I'm looking forward to that. I like the teacher and I think it'll be fun. I was reading the syllabi for my Spanish classes and I have to write three papers between the two of them and they have to be 5-6 and 6-8 pages. I'm a littler nervous about that becuase writing in Spanish is kind of hard. Writing that much in English can be difficult. Oh well. It's the only way to leanr.

Right now I'm watcing Sky High and getting ready for bed. I think I might do my Political Science readings tonight before bed so that way tomorrow I can do my Spanish lit homeowrok.

I'm feeling pretty good about this year. We'll just have to wait and see.

Tomorrow before my class I'm going out to the beach to see three of my aunts. Two are here visiting and I haven't seen them in a long time. It'll be nice. A little nerve racking at first but overall a good experience.

I applied at Aero yesterday and I look forward to calling them on Friday and seeing if they're going to hire me. I hope they do because I really need a job, and then I'll get a discount on their clothes.

Well, that's all I've got for now. It's off to bed I go.


Friday, August 24, 2007

Lu lu lu, you got some, too.

School starts on Monday! Hooray! I cannot wait for classes to begin. I know that I'm nerdy, but I really enjoy going to class. I like learning about new things, even though they may be completely irrelavant. I think I'm going to enjoy taking my naps again. Naps really make the days better. But this year I don't have gaps in between classes. They're all back-to-back.

Tomorrow is the IV Leadership Retreat. I'm kind of excited for it, but apprehensive at the same time. I still don't really think I should be a small group leader sometimes. I guess this weekend will either make or break my thoughts on it, but I have to go in with an open mind.

I started reading Fahrenheit 451 today. Of the 7 pages i"ve read I really enjoy it. I've heard it's an awesome classic and I look forward to reading what it's pages bring. The next book I want to read is "Why do Catholics do that?" It's a book all about the different ceremonies and other rituals that Catholics do. I guess it's all part of my searching my roots thing. I'm really interested to see where my own thoughts and ideas develop. I think it's weird, but I like being Catholic. I don't really know why.

I'm looking forward to sleep tonight. There's just something about crawling into bed that is so peaceful and relaxing. You know that you're about to enter a place in time that is just pure relaxation and awesome. In fact, I think I'll go there now.


Monday, August 20, 2007

Lu lu lu, I got some apples

Wow where to start. It's been quite eventful these past few days. Last Tuesday night my cousn Katelyn and her boyfriend Nathan left and came down to visit me for a few days. It was the most fun I've had in a long time. The tnire time they were here it was non-stop laughing and having fun. We went to the Virginia Aquarium, the beach, out to dinner, and just hung out. I miss her a lot when I'm gone.

The other day was Andrew's birthday and we went out to dinner at Outback. Had horrible service. Then went go-karting! That was a lot of fun. We raced 5 different tracks and had a blast. Lots of laughing went on and everyone won at a different race. Lots of fun. Will deffinitely be doing that again.

Yesterday I went to church for the first time since I've been back and it was really good. I picked up a registration form to join the church and we'll see how that goes! I really hope to become an active member of the church. I've never really been apart of a church before and it's something I want.

I think that I may end up living here when I'm done with school and everything. I know I want to head over to Spain for a good chunk of time and teach English and enjoy the amazing Spanish culture.

Let's skip to today. Today I worked 11-5 and hated every minute of it. Tomorrow I'm going to give my boss a letter that tells her my last day is going to be August 31. I'm calling back a job tomorrow that's on-campus that I hope to get and then I'll have a job again!

Tonight while I was playing a fun game of monopoly with the crew I got a call from Ryan asking me if I could house an international student for the night becuase he had just gotten off the plane and had nowhere to stay. So I said yes and Andrew and I went to get him and I can't really spell his name, but he's from Turkey. I instantly thought of Kelly and Dogan, who is from Turkey and all the funny things he taught me to say. Of course they are all things you shouldn't say to someone you just met. I was hoping that he would be from a Spanish speaking country, but no luck. Hopefully we can maybe stay in touch and help him with his English. Andrew gave him mine and his e-mail addresses and such, so who knows!

Well tomorrow is my day off...HOORAY! I like days off.

That's all I've got for now.


Tuesday, August 14, 2007

No inspiring titles around

Well, I'm sitting here bored and watching tv. I have been watching so much tv since I moved here and it's really annoying. Hopefully as soon as everyone moves back in I'll stop watching tv and hang out with people.

I forgot to eat today. I worked 11-5 and whenever I get home from work I'm not hungry, so I still haven't eaten. Oh well, maybe I will later.

So I also have decided that I'm not going to quit Cold Stone right away. I was angry and was making hasty decisions so I'm going to search for a new job and not quit until I find one. Plus, I have about $50 in tips sitting on my desk.

Well, I'm going to go find something to do.


Sunday, August 12, 2007

So Long, Farewell

I hate working at Cold Stone. I thought it was going to be great working there again and seeing everyone that I used to work with. But I was wrong. It was horrible. This girl who was hired after me was made a crew leader and a guy who was hired at the end of May is going to try and get Asst. Manager. I'm not jealous or bitter or anything, but the fact that they aren't capable to effieciently run the store. Tonight, said guy, came into work drunk. The store was really busy and the dishes PILED up in the backroom. For a good hour, Jamie and I were the only people clocked in, forced to handle the line and dishes and ice cream, while there were 4 people sitting in the back, one doesn't count though because she wasn't supposed to be on until 7. But it was very frusturating and I couldn't go start dishes becuase "i was needed on the line." It sucked.

So we got out around 11:15. I think I'm going to put my two weeks notice in and find another job. It's too stressful, which it shouldn't be because it's Cold Stone, but it is. I was very angry and my co-workers could tell. At the end of the night two girls came in right before we were about to close and my co-worker says, "Not it." and I'm sure they could hear her. So I took care of them and only charged them for kids ice cream and not what they really got. I bet they thought I was hitting on them, which is okay because they were very pretty.

Well now I'm waiting for Katie to come over and help me put the fridge back together. Hopefully work tomorrow will be better. The plus side is that I got $20.70 in tips.



I am such a moron! Last night at my aunt's house, while I was babysitting, I went swimming. I was really exctied because the water was really warm. I had just put my phone in my pocket to bring it outside and I went right into the water with it. After a good minute or two, I feel a vibrating on my leg. Then I remembered that my phone was in my pocket. I freaked out and tried to get it out asap, but of course when you panick you don't move as fast as you'd like. So finally I got the battery out and dried it with the towel and let it sit. But it still doesn't work.

I think I'm the most upset because it was an expensive phone, and I really liked it. Oh well. I have to go to Verizon today and get a new one. That's not going to be fun because I think I'll end up having to pay out the ass for a new one.

Well that's all I've got for now.


Thursday, August 9, 2007

Slightly Confused

Good evening my loyal readers. I'm laying here in bed and I'm confused. A little history lesson. Last year when I started working at Cold Stone, I met Jamie. She was hired after me and I thought she was very pretty and funny so we started talking. We went out and hung out a bit. It was fun, it was really cool getting to know her. We talked all the time and she used to call me and it was really good. However, after I left and went to Blacksburg and then Rockbridge I didn't hear from her. I assumed that it was "Out of sight, out of mind." So I went on with the summer and didn't really think about her.

I knew that when I started working at Cold Stone again that I would see her, but I wasn't really interested in pursuing anything with her. However, I got a phone call tonight from her and we were talking like we did before I left. It was really good to hear from her and talk. She mentioned that she has a boyfriend now, but it makes me wonder as to why she would call and talk to me for a good chunk of time. I know that friends call each other, but we were never really friends. So I guess some feelings I thought were dead came back and are plaguing me. I guess I don't really know how I should feel. We're completely different people and our views on a lot of things are different.

Last year when I was talking to her, my friend told me to be careful and to not cross a line. The more I think about it, the more I'm starting to realize how correct he was. There are lines that shouldn't be crossed. I guess as I'm still figuring out my own thoughts on everything and still adjusting to my life with Christ. Sex before marriage has always been something that I've never really thought was a big deal. A lot of my friends are having sex and it doens't bother me. At first it's a slight shock, but it doesn't bother me. I guess I don't know how sex changes you, but I've been told it does. I don't know how it would alter me mentally, but I think I've come to the conclusion that I don't want to abuse something that important and detremental to your soul. Having sex with the wrong person could affect you in ways that you don't know. Waiting until you're married and truly in love is when sex is meant to be, or at least that's how I feel.

Sorry that this turned into a discussion on sex, but I guess after talking to Jamie again, it's been on my mind. I don't judge people who have sex, I feel that it's their choice, but I guess I've made my own personal choice.

Well, I don't have anything to do tomorrow, so I'm going to sleep in and figure out what to do when I awake.


I think that milk is spoiled...

Good morning. It's Thursday August 9, 2007, and what a nice day it is. I am starting to feel officially moved in since last night was garbage night and I got rid of a lot of boxes and now the hallway isn't cluttered.

So what's been going on with me these past few days. Well Tuesday night I went to a Bible study out in Newport News with Katie, Yannick, and Scott, and oh man was it awesome. I didn't really want to go and had decided that I wasn't going to say anything and was just going to listen. However, that didn't happen. As soon as we finished reading it, I didn't want to be the first person to say something, so I was the second person. I ended up talking a lot. We read 2Peter 1. I had never read that and I really liked looking at it. It was also cool heraing people that I don't know discussing it. It was really cool. Then afterwards we just hung out and talked. I had a fun conversation with this girl about languages and I didn't feel so nerdy haha.

Then yesterday I worked 10-5. I had forgotten how boring it can be working at Cold Stone when there aren't any customers. I did dishes, stocked cambros, and filled mix-in jars. I did leave however with 12 dollars in tips, so that was nice. I'm still trying to find a different job. I want one that will actually pay me real money and have better hours. Oh well, Cold Stone is a good place to work while I look.

After work I went over to Jason and Ashley's house. Man I missed them! It was really good to see them. They made me dinner, which always makes me really happy. It was baked ziti and oh man, it was so good! After dinner we sat around the table talking and then Jason and I went to the movie store and rented Volver. An Almodovar movie starring Penelope Cruz. It was good, a little weird, but good. Like all his movies, Almodovar makes the weirdest possible stories and makes great movies out of them. It made me want to come home and watch Pan's Labrynth, but I didn't. After the movie we sat around Ashley's Mac and she was teaching me new things about them! It was really cool! I enjoy Macs.

I don't have anything to do today except wait til tonight when I'm hanging out with Doug. I guess I'll eat lunch and maybe read today. It will be good! Katie is going home tonight until Saturday and she's going to bring me back Chinese food from our favorite restaurant! I am really excited abut that! Also my cousin comes down Tuesday night!! We're going to have fun!

Well that's all I've got for now, must start the day!


Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Old Dominion Universtiy. Changing Lives.

Isn't that O-DU's motto or catch phrase? If it is, I like it. I think it kind of fits. Well at least it does to my life. Everyone takes something away from their college expereience. Whether it be good or bad. As of right now, if I were to be done with college I would say that I am taking away something very good and positive. Then I think about all the people that can't say that. I wonder what they did during their four years here. Did they venture out of their bubble and try to meet new people and expand their horizons? If not, why? I know that when I first came here I didn't really talk to anyone because I thought I was going to transfer the next year. I didn't want to be here and I thought that making friends would make it harder to leave. Well, I am glad to say that I didn't continue with that frame of mind. I have made some amazing freinds here, and if you're reading this, I'm sure you've heard this before.

But it makes me wonder if it's not just the student's fault that they don't take something positive away from here. How much of an impact do our teachers have on us even at the colegiate level? I know that in high school I was really close with some of my teachers, and spent a lot of time talking to them outside of class. Will that be the same here? I think that once I get higher up in my field of study I will have the same teachers and they'll get to know me better. I feel that having even a basic relationship with a teacher outside of class can make your time at the school that much better.

The other day I was bored and made a graduation plan for myself. I decided I wasn't going to double in French and Spanish, and just stick to Spanish. I planned out the rest of my semesters here and I will be done with all my classes in Fall of 2009. I'm not scheduled to graduate until 2010. I know I want to study abroad, so if I do that then I won't have to worry about what classes I take there and can just take a bunch of fun electives for credit. I decided I want to go to Argentina. I was reading the study abroad pamphelt and it sounds really good. They offer areas for Spanish majors, with history, literature and film classes. I know that I would really enjoy all that. And I've been told that Argentina is beautiful.

I've also been thinking a lot lately about going on a missions trip next summer. I've been wanting to go on one since last November and now I think I'm ready to do it next summer. I want to go to Bolivia. I was reading about it in the STIM pamphlet and it requires a strong knowledge of Spanish, and it will stretch me in ways that I didn't know I could go. I facebook messaged this girl who went to Bolivia one year and she said that it was really tough, but overall extremely rewarding. I hope that I can go there and learn more about myself and what God has planned for me. Also, as to how I can help spread the word of God to people who might not have heard it before. I think it would be extremely difficult to talk about God in Spanish, but the only way to find out is to do it. It's something that I need to continue praying about, but I feel that I need to go.

If I go to both of those places I will be getting a lot of exposure to Spanish culture. I also have a free trip to Spain in the near future with my high school Spanish teacher, Eva. That will be exciting too! This also makes me wonder how some people aren't passionate about anything. I feel extremely passionate about languages and I wonder how people never find what they truly love. Thinking of the future excites and scares me at the same time. I have no idea where I'm going to be, all I know is that it's going to allow me to rely more on God and discover what His plans for me are.

Well that's all I've got for now. Time to start the day.


Sunday, August 5, 2007

All by myself

Wow, this half week has gone by really fast! It feels like just yesterday I was driving down here and now my family just left and I'm officially on my own. It's a little daunting knowing that I'll be alone in the house tonight when I sleep. Oh well, I guess it'll build character?

I'm not sure as to what I'm doing today, but I know I have to take a shower and then organize my room some more. I have a lot more stuff than I thought I did and it's time to put it all away. I have to vaccuum and change the ferret cage. I'm not sure what else I have to do today, but that's what's going to start it!

I have 10 dyas until my cousin comes to visit me! I don't want to count down the rest of the summer, but I'm really excited for that!

Well, I don't really have anything else to say, so this is where I'll leave.


Thursday, August 2, 2007

Welcome to your new home!

Wow, so I have everything set up now! I just have to unpack all my clothes and all my other shiz and I'm officailly moved in!

I bought a bed today, it's amazing and my desk, dresser and book stand were all put together! I love it all! Tomorrow I'm going to Busch Gardens and that will be fun, and then I'll probably do more setting up, and I think I'm going to watch 300! I bought it the day before I left and I cannot wait to watch it! My room is actually kind of spacious and I really like it! I cannot wait for everyone else to move in and then it will be more fun!

Well, I'm tired and had a long day so it's off to bed I go!


"I'm going to pretend I didn't sleep on the floor and see that!"

So I am officially back in Norfolk!! I have all my stuff brought into the house, now it just has to be unpacking and organized. I think it's a good thing that no one else is here because my stuff is taking up everywhere. All the boxes and bags and shit. Oh well, soon it will be unpacked and everything will be good.

So I had to sleep on the futon last night becuase we got here too late for me to get a bed. Kelly slept on the floor and it was fun. This morning as we woke up there was a HUGE effing cockroach walking across the floor. It was absolutely disgusting. I've never seen a cockroach before and it's kind of chilling in a cup and I don't know wha to do with it. Oh well.

So today is all about unpacking and setting up, and buying a bed of course! Then tonight I can sleep in a big bed and be really comfortable. Yesterday when I got here the air conditioning hadn't been on and I must have turned it on really high so at 7 this morning it was about 60 degrees and I turned it up to 78. Damn it was cold.

Well that's all I've got for now, if you're in Norfolk: CALL ME! and we can hang out!


Sunday, July 29, 2007

Goodbye Rochester, Hello Norfolk

I'm leaving home. For good. It's a really scary thought. But it's finally happening. I'm moving on Wednesday back to Norfolk. I know it's for school, but I don't plan on coming back to Rochester anymore.

This summer I lost one of my best friends (not to death, but as a friend). It's kind of sucked but now I'm just over it and moving on. It actually still hurts a lot, but our paths are moving in opposite directions. The only thing about it that pisses me off is that our parents have stopped talking too. I don't know if it's because of our relationship, but I still think it's annoying.

Had a major breakthrough today! The ferrets are litter trained! It was so nice to finally have them poop in the litter box and not wherever they chose. It'll make taking care of them a lot easier. When I get down to VA I'm going to buy them a playpen type thing and these fun tubes that they can run around in and play!

I'm really going to miss my cousin. If you're reading this you probably know about the relationship I have with her and it's gotten even better this summer. She's coming to visit August 15-19 though, so I'm really excited about that. Nate's coming too (her boyfriend) and it'll be great becuase then she can meet my friends and we can hang out!

I'm also really going to miss Kelly. She's coming down with me Wednesday and that's going to be awesome! We're going to Busch and the beach and she's going to help me set up the house and my room. I'm really excited and not about living the house. It's going to bring lots of responsabilities that I'm not looking forward to and force me to grow up I guess. Not that I have a problem with growing up, but this makes kind of official.

The other thing I'm really excited to leave behind is all my family's drama. It's gotten so bad that I might not go to my grandma's house for Christmas Eve. My family claims to be such Christian people, yet they don't hesitate to turn on their own family and instantly forget what they preach. Granted December is still 4 months away, so things may change, but it's ridiculous.

Well that's all I've got for now. Tomorrow I'm going to lunch with my friend to say bye. I'm not as sad about goodbyes this time. Part of me just doesn't care anymore. Oh well.


Saturday, July 28, 2007

I guess it's time to start packing

Okay, so here's my real update.

Florida was a blast! It was really hot, but it was so much fun. I think I'm glad that I'm living in Virginia, it's hot but it's not as hot as Florida. That was kind of disgusting it was that hot. We arrived to Florida and that was nice and we took a cab to the hotel. It was so effing expensive. $70 to get to the hotel. Man.

We went to Disney two days and it was so much fun. We got pictures with Woody and Buzz. We spent about 11 hours in each park and just did everything that was there to do.

The second day we were there we went to Medieval Times. That was such a blast! We watched a great show, with jousting and fighting and good food. There was no silverware so we had to eat everything with our hands. The soup was a little tricky, but it all worked out for the best! (Pictures are on Facebook).

So one night while I was laying in the bed trying to sleep I just had an ovwehelming feeling that I needed to pray. It was really weird. I don't know where the feeling came from, but I just layed there and prayed for a while. I wish that I had people to pray with, but it was still really good to just open up I guess.

I haven't started packing yet to move. I have to pack up all my clothes, a lot of my movies and some books. Other than that I don't really have that much stuff. The drive down is going to be fun I think. Kelly is coming with me so I'll have someone to talk to and share the driving with.

I'm reading another Jeffery Deaver novel and it's really good! I started it on the way to Florida and I'm about halfway done. I can't wait to finish it!

Well that's all I got for now, I woke up at 3:30 this morning so I'm kind of tired.



Wow, I just got back from Florida and it was an amazing time! I can't believe the trip has come and gone already. I've been talking about this trip forever and now it's over.

I guess I'll really update later, but just to let everyone know, I'm moving back to VA in 3 days!!!!


Monday, July 23, 2007

Thank You Very Much, J.K. Rowling

Wow, I feel kind of depressed after finishing Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Only because that the series is over. It actually ended. I wonder if another great book series will come along like Harry Potter? For some reason I just don't think one will and we'll all be re-reading Harry Potter forever. I won't give away anything, but as soon as you've finished it, please talk to me about it becuase I would love to!

I'm going to Florida tomorrow!! I'm really excited about that too! Stacy, Lexe, and I are going to tear that place up! Show them how the North does it in the South hahaha. But it'll be a lot of fun. A nice vacation before going to back to VA and working again and starting school. I am really excited to go back to VA though. 9 days I believe!!!

I have to take the ferrets to the vet today, that should be funny. Then I'm going out to dinner with Sam from Cold Stone. She's a lot of fun, I'm going to miss her when I leave. I havn't started packing yet...I probably should. Both for school and Florida.

Well now I can start reading one of the 8 other books I bought, still isn't the same as Harry Potter though :(.

I should also go pack, shower, and begin my day.


Sunday, July 22, 2007

Half Price Appetizers!!

Let's see, what's good in the world today? I'm currently on page 587 of Harry Potter and my goal is to finish it tonight...we'll see!

Yesterday was quite the interesting day, I woke up and read for a while and then my cousin came over and we hung out and played with the ferrets. We then went to get Chinese food and went off to Senior Palooza Part Deux, which is a big party that my class has once a year to party together. I had already decided before I got there that I wasn't going to be partying that night. So we get there and it was just about the lamest party I have ever been to. There was a theme, actually two, GI Joes and Army Hoes, and Grafitti. I didn't dress either of them, but if it really came down to it I could have been grafitti.

Well at the party, I played many games of beer pong and made my partner drink it all, which was a lot of fun. I just love playing that game! So after a while my friends showed up and it became a little bit more fun. Played more pong and just watched everyone drink themselves away.

So I already had a full car of people to bring home from the party when my friend Morgan asked me if I could bring her, her boyfriend and his friend home since they obviously couldn't drive. I accepted becuase I'm not going to let people drive drunk. Needless to say I ended up doing two runs of people home, after convincing Morgan's boyfriend that he wasn't driving, and yelling at him to get in the car. That was fun. Then I got lost getting back to the party but managed to get there and bring the other people safely to their destinations.

Everyone was trying to give me money for driving them, but they don't have to becuase I would rather pay for gas then go to their funeral, ya know? But needless to say I think there's money sitting in my glovebox. Maybe I'll spend it on dinner tonight, haha.

Well, I think I'm going to read a lot more before dinner, so that's all I've got for now.


Saturday, July 21, 2007

I've got it!!!

I'm reading the last Harry Potter book right now and oh man is it so good!!! I don't really want it to end, but I cannot take my time on it. It must be read ASAP!!!!

That's all I've got, must keep reading!


Friday, July 20, 2007

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

Wow. The series comes to an end tonight. I don't know how to handle this. How do you just accept that it's over after so many years of waiting. What will I look forward to for a while? It might sound pretty sad that the only thing I look forward to is Harry Potter, but it is just a great thing to wait for during the summer.

Today I'm seeing Hairspray with my friend. I like movies that are musicals. I think it makes the movie more fun. I ate pizza last night. Granted I had to cut it up into little peices and chew it with my front teeth, but still, it tasted good! I think today I'll eat more Mac n' Cheese shapes. Those go down nice and easy and taste stupendous.

Wow, I'm going to Florida in 4 days. I am so excited. I was looking at the hotel we're staying at, and it's so nice. I'll be taking a lot of pictures! After the Florida trip I have three short days left in NY. It's so close and I couldn't be happier! I've been thinking about it and I just don't think I'll live in NY again. It's time for me to start my life, and I just don't forsee it involvin Rochester, New York.

I get my last paycheck from McDonalds today. I'll be honestly surprised if it's more than $30. As long as it covers my Harry Potter book I'm good.

I have to call the Virginia vet today and set up a time for my ferrets to get all shot up. Hopefully it's not too expensive, but hey, I can't complain.

I'm kind of excited to finish Harry Potter becuase I bought 8 books that I want to read, but obviously I can't read them until I am done with Harry Potter.

Well, that's all I've got for now and I'm kind of hungry.


PS my titles never really have anything to do with what I write about. I see random things written on papers or posters and they become my title.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Take A Stand

Welcome back to another interesting update in the life of Andrew! I went to bed around 11 p.m. last night and woke up at 8:42 to a text message from my cousin. I was awake and decided I was up for the day. Then I took my pills to take away the pain, and then I fell asleep until now. I havn't slept this long at all this entire summer. I can't even tell you when the last time I slept in this late was. It feels nice though!

So I'm thinking I'll be able to eat real food soon. Becuase I really want a grilled cheese. It's kind of disgusting how bad I want one. I also want Andrew to make me a chocolate cake. Do it now!!

So I'm going to Florida in 5 days! Super excited about that! And in 13 days I'll be back in VA!!! Moving into my new house! Wow I cannot wait. I have to call the vet in VA and schedule an appt for my ferrets for once I get down there so they can have their next set of shots and stuff. They're so funny!

Harry Potter comes out TOMORROW NIGHT!!! Also really excited about that!

Last night I hung out with this girl from Cold Stone...her name's Sam and she's a lot of fun. Unfortuantely she has a boyfriend, I'm moving back to VA soon, and she's going off to college too. But who knows, maybe we'll meet up again in the future at some point. I've been to Cold Stone three times in the past two days and I really miss the people from there. They're hilarious and lots of fun.

Today I don't think I have any plans. Just going to lay around and watch tv. Maybe read something, but I don't really know. I can open my mouth pretty far now, so maybe that means I can eat something delcious!

Last night I went to my grandparent's house for dinner with my dad and brother. That was fun. I like seeing them. My Grandma made chicken and mashed potatoes and salad. I couldn't eat the salad which made me sad, but I ate the chicken and potateos. Granted it was more like I swallowed all of it, but ya know.

Maybe I'll clean the ferret cage today. It's gross but needs to be done.

That's all I've got for now!


Wednesday, July 18, 2007

I wish the hiccups would go away.

So I have had the hiccups since last night. Do you know how annoying that is? I am no longer numb, and I am on prescription Ibuprofen, vicodin, and amoxicillin. Aka...I'm pretty drugged up. It's amazing how they get rid of the pain though. I'm a pretty big fan of that!

Last night my brother called me at 2:46 a.m. and asked me if I could bring the jack to his car to him becuase his tired fell off the car and the jack was in the driveway. I was in so much pain from getting up without having any painkillers in my system. But I was a nice person and brought it to him. Then I came home and took a pill and passed out! But my hiccups had come back when I got up to leave.

Today my cousin Katelyn and I are going to my grandmother's house to talk to her about issues we feel are important within our family. It'll be interested to see how it goes. Last night Katelyn came over and we had a long talk with my mom about how our family kind of sucks and how it's bullshit. So we'll see where that goes!

Today I'm also going to dinner at my dad's parent's house. That could be fun, I havn't seen my grandparents since March, so that'll be fun. Then afterwards I'm going to Barnes and Noble with Sam from work. That too will be a lot of fun! I cannot wait for Harry Potter to come out Friday!!!! Then I'm going to Florida on Tuesday! I was looking at the hotel we're staying in, and man is it nice! It's only 6 miles from Disney World! I also want to stop by Hard Rock Cafe and get a shirt, becuase I love Hard Rock shirts!

Well I think Morgan might be coming over for a bit before I go to my grandma's house so this is all I've got for now.


Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Take 1 tablet every 6 hours as needed for pain

Wow, what a long day it has been so far. I got up around 6 this morning, but got up at 7. Then I got my wisdom teeth were pulled. That was the grossest procedure I've ever gone through. I couldn't feel the pain of it all, but oh man I heard it all. It was disgusting. It was very crunchy sounding as they dug them out. One of them was impacted and they had to drill it out. That was disgusting too.

So my mouth is almost completely un-numb! Then I can eat something. Kelly is going to take me to Cold Stone in a little bit so I can get a milkshake or smoothie. I don't know which I want yet. Or maybe I'll just get chocolate ice cream!!! Yumm!

Well all I've been doing is watching tv all day. Last night I bought 4 books and I am so excited to read them. Of course they are Jeffery Deaver novels. I don't know if I want to read them right now becuase Harry Potter comes out Friday at midnight and that book takes priority over any other!

Well, I have to change my shirt because it's covered in blood and it's quite gross.

Leave me lots of comments of encouragement!


Bye Bye


Monday, July 16, 2007

16 days til I come home!

Wow, I have a mix of emotions right now. I'm really tired (I never sleep in anymore), I'm really nervous (about getting my wisdom teeth pulled tomorrow), and I'm sad becuase yesterday was my last shift at Cold Stone. I was supposed to work 12-5 but then I covered for someone and worked 12-10 instead. It's really okay though becuase I love those people.

When the store had closed I was behind the stone and was like, "Well my friends, it's been a pleasure working with you all!" and then I hugged them all, even the new people who I had met twice haha. Then Sam walked out with me and she gave me a big hug and I'm going to miss working with them. But I think I'm going to go to Seabreeze with Sam on Thursday, so that will be fun! I'll be hopped up on vikodin too, so the rides will be really weird.

Harry Potter comes out Friday! Be excited!!! I'm really sad about that too! I don't want the series to end, but I know that it must. What if the book only said, "HAHA, the real book comes out in 2 years!" I think I would throw a fit and cry. But I know that isn't the case.

So the teeth come out tomorrow. I am so nervous. I hope it doesn't hurt for too long after they're done taking them out. I just want my face to not swell, and for there to be no pain! I go to Florida in 8 days! I'm excited about that too!!! I think it will be tons of fun!! Then three days later I peace on home to Nofo! Time to turn that house into a place to live! For a little while it'll just be Civic, Q-Tip and myself. But I have tons of people down there that I can hang out with and not be bored. Not to mention I'll also start working at Cold Stone down there again. Oh money, you're such a problem but I love you.

Well that's all I got for now, I think I'm going to go take a shower.


Saturday, July 14, 2007

Leaves Hands Feeling Soft and Refreshed

Yesterday was a good day! I worked 1-11 at Cold Stone and got paid from both jobs! That makes my bank account, and me, very happy!

At McDonalds I checked the schedule for next week and I'm not on it! I told them I could work Sunday and Monday and they didn't put me on. Oh well, I didn't really want to work there anymore anyway. I'm just going to miss Becky. She was the cool manager. Last night as I was leaving she gave me a hug and said, "The ones I like always leave." And when I told her that I wish I could work longer she said, "It doen't matter, because in the end it only matters how you live." She was really fun to work with.

On to other news. Sunday is my last day at Cold Stone. Andrew = Sad. Last night was this girl Caroline's last day and it made me sad, she was a lot of fun to work with. But I've made some cool friends working there and I bet that I'll still talk to them even after I move back to VA. I think I'll bring my camera into work and take lots of pictures of them.

Today I have my cousin's graduation party and then work 6-11. Usually I'll get 20 hours in a week. I'm working 20 hours in 3 days at Cold Stone haha, I'm going to make that last paycheck count! The other day at our crew meeting we were learning about X-Factor, which is like throwing ice cream and stuff and we had a "finals" where three people (one from each group) threw the ice cream and whoever had the best "skills" won. I went last and decided to try and throw it from behind my back and it landed perfectly in the cup. It was cool. I thought it was either going to hit the wall or the cup, and it hit the cup. I got a $10 gas card! Then I was second in Cold Stone Idol.

Last night when I was working I had just finished mopping the floor and the music was on loud and I was being cool trying to dance (we all know that doesn't work at all) and I slipped and feel right on my face. I bruised my knee and my thumb (random I know, but when I stood up it was black from the bruise). I just sat there and laughed so hard because I am such a tool sometimes. Luckily only one person saw me fall and she came running laughing, then I told everyone else and they laughed too. It's a good thing I can laugh at myself.

Well that's all I got for now.


Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Solo en Dios puede una persona encuentra felicidad verdadera

My title today is "Only in God can a person find true happiness." As I've been home I think I am truly discovering this, and not really the easy way. I've been hanging out with my friends and it's been fun, I've been happy, but it's not true happiness. I know this because a lot of the time I'm with them we are talking about other people. We never really discuss anything important or worthwhile. I know that when I'm in Virginia and hanging around with my Christian friends, I am really happy because they are there encouraging me to constantly seek out God. But I've also been told lately that I'm not always going to have these people around. I need to figure out how to remain encouraged on my own, well not on my own, but without the help of physical people. This confuses me slightly becuase I don't really know how. At Rockbridge they talked a lot about being a child of God. I'm still unsure of how to do that. Why do I remain so caught up in life and buying things to notice that spiritually I'm suffering? How does buying a new computer (granted I love my new mac) make me happy? It can't. All it can do is give me something else to occupy my time instead of spending it with God. This past week I went to church for the first time since I've been home and it was great. Hearing a homily and connecting with it. I know that I find it in Norfolk so easily. But where is it in Rochester? Is the company I keep distracting me?

Where do you go when you don't know what you're looking for? How do you seek out an asnwer when you don't really know the problem? I guess this is something that will require a lot more prayer and thought. I look forward to church this Sunday and to hear what message God is going to send through the Priest and the Gospel.

Well I have a 9am Cold Stone meeting tomorrow so it's off to bed I go.


Easy Open Grip'N'Flip Bottle

Buenos dias! And what a good morning it is. It's July 11, 2007 which means I have exactly 3 weeks left here in the ROC. I cannot wait to get to my new house where there's central air. I never realized how much I took AC for granted until we moved and it's not installed here. It sucks. Especially at night when I'm trying to sleep and it's just so hot that I stick to myself. Gross. I've been thinking about all the things that I need to bring down and I just get really excited thinking about it.

I don't have to work tonight, which is really nice, but kidn of weird. I've been working a lot this summer and a day off is just exhilerating. I also don't have to work tomorrow, but I do have a meeting to go to at 9 am in Pittsford (for those of you that don't know, it's a good 25 minutes away). But I will get paid for it :). Speaking of getting paid, I get paid Friday from both Cold Stone and McDonalds. I think I am going to love these paychecks.

Last night I saw Harry Potter 5 at midnight. It was definitely better than the first four movies, but I just get extremely dissapointed with them becuase they aren't how I pictured. The last fight between Dumbeldore and Voldemort is in my mind, amazingly huge and awesome. In the movie it was just okay. Nothing spectacular. Oh well. I guess that's why I'll always have my imaginiation and that cannot be taken away.

I've been reading this novel for a very long time and I'm almost done. It's called The Stone Monkey by Jeffery Deaver. Normally it never takes me this long to finish a book, but I've been really busy that I never have time to read a lot. I don't know if I should start another book when I finish because Harry Potter 7 comes out on the 21st at midnight and I know that I'm going to dedicate all my time to that book. Why is Harry Potter so capitvating? Does anyone else love them as much as I do? I'm sure there are people who are completely obsessed but I just get generally excited thinking about this world.

I wonder what I'm going to do when the series is over. There won't be any more books to anticipate. Maybe some new hit series will come around. I doubt it, but ya never know.

Today I'm seeing Transformers with Kelly, and then possibly Harry Potter again later tonight. I know I just complained about it, but my friends want to see it again and it wasn't a horrible movie so I can sit through it again.

Well, I have to clean the ferret cage today and I'm not too excited about it...oh well. They smell so it has to be done.


Tuesday, July 10, 2007

How Much is Your Gift Card Worth?

Good morning my readers. How are we this morning? Here in Rochester, NY it's a beautiful day with a sunny skies and probably heat that will kill me later. Last night was my last day at MCDS for the week, and possibly forever. I don't know if they're going to schedule me next week. I hope not. I hate it there again. I just want to work at Pittsford Plaza Cold Stone forever! I have to work there tonight, but I get excited when I think about it. I'm also working there Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Possibly Thursday too. Then I'm done :(.

Tuesday is the day that I'm getting my wisdom teeth pulled. I hope it's quick and not too much pain. But we'll see I guess. Then I have a three days to get better because Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows comes out Friday at midnight, and I have to go to Barnes and Noble to get my copy!!! Speaking of Harry Potter, the fifth movie comes out tonight at midnight, which I'm also going to! I'm going to speed like the dickens from Pittsford to Greece to get there on time.

I really want to speak Spanish right now, but I don't have anyone to speak it with. I need a Spanish friend. Next Summer I'll hopefully be in a Spanish speaking country and then maybe the Summer after that I'll host a foreign exchange student! Wouldn't that be fun?...I think it would be!

I wonder if French is a hard language to learn. I start next semester and I guess after that I'll decide if I'm going to continue with it or to just focus on Spanish. If I did just Spanish I would probably be able to graduate early. OR spend a nice long time studying abroad! My goal as of now is to go to Costa Rica, thanks to a wonderful recommendation by Ryan Weber, but who knows. I also have a free trip to Spain sometime in the near future and I am REALLY excited about that.

Anyone want to go to Spain with me sometime? I want to go to Europe with my friends and chill. And if we go to Spain, it'll be easier to communicate with the natives, or Italy, and possibly France. Haha.

Well I have a lot of stuff to do today so this will end my post. I know you're heartbroken becuase you just love the way I write and it drips off your tongue as you're reading.


PS I love my MacBook

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Soothes and Cools Sunburned Skin

What a day it has been already. I went to bed at 2 am and was woken up at 6:22 by my ferrets. They're noisy drinkers. Oh well.

This morning I actually went church. Every Sunday I wake up to go, and then I sit at my computer and just watch the time go by and don't go. But I'm really glad that I went today.

There was nun there who is form Ireland who is involved in a missions order. She has lived in Kenya for 32 years. She was describing how unfortuante it is there, but how great it is to be spreading the great word of God to the children and adults. I was blown away by her stories and I feel even more convicted than ever to go on a missions trip next year. I don't know if it would be to Africa, preferably somewhere where they speak Spanish, but I definitely feel that I need to go. Not only will it help other people but it will help me grow in my faith in ways that I cannot comprehend.

Another thing the priest talked about was how we all have to be Jesus to our friends. I have been hearing this many times from someone and it never clicked. But today I realized how important it is. To be there for and to love our brothers and sisters is extremely important, and it shouldn't be detered by petty human feelings. This is causing me to reevaluate my relationships and to see how or even if I've been "Jesus" to them. Do I care for them and show them love when they hurt me? Do I never give up? These are all questions I'm asking myself and I'm guessing that everyone should ask themselves.

Well, now I have to go work at Cold Stone 12-10.


Saturday, July 7, 2007

Q-Tip and Civic

So I went and bought another ferret today. His name is Q-Tip since he's got a white head. They're pretty funny when they're together. They were wrestling and at one point one of them made a horrible screeching sound and it sounded like he was hurt, but then they continued playing. Now after they're all done wrestling they're curled up next to each other sleeping. They're really cool.

I have to work today 6-11, it should be fun. I'm working with my fun assistant manager. She likes to fake yell at me and call me Kevin. I'm going to miss these people when I leave there. I joined their facebook group so that we can stay friends haha.

I think I should start packing up my stuff and get it all ready to move. I'm so lazy that I don't want to haha.

I finally got all my stuff onto the mac (my itunes and pictures)...I have so many pictures. I have a 2GB flash drive and I filled it once already and am now putting the rest of the pictures on it to transfer...I think I take a lot of pictures. Oh well, they document life.

I don't really have anything else to write about so I might get some lunch and a nap!


Friday, July 6, 2007


Today I bought a ferret! His name is Civic. I think it's a cool name. I was driving home with him (in my Civic) and I just thought it fit.

Unfortunately he's really lonely without his siblings around, so my mom told me I can get another one haha. So tomorrow I'm going to go back and get one of his brothers. Then they'll play all day together and won't be lonely.

So much is happening so fast. In less than a month I'll be in VA living on my own. As excited as I come across, I'm really kind of nervous. I think for the first 2 weeks or so I'll be there completely by myself. That's a little scary. But I'll be working and I'll have Civic and soon-to-be-named brother to keep me company.

I'm excited to go back to Blessed Sacrament church. I love that church. I'm excited to hang out with people that I havn't seen in a while. I'm excited to eat at Jason and Ashley's. But I'm still scared. I guess this is a taste of the future. Living on your own. I know that if anything comes up my family is there for me, but they're far away. True independence and growing up is scary.

Well I'm tired and have a lot to do tomorrow, but I'll contiue this later.


Thursday, July 5, 2007

Everything mac, everything else

So I got my macbook today! It's so cool! I still have no idea how to work everything on it yet, but I'm definitely in love. I cannot wait til I get it all figured out and get all my music and photos on it! Then I shall be all set!

So I have one more BIG thing to buy this summer and then I'm done spending money. A ferret. I still havn't thought of a good name for him/her (hopefully a her, but you never know). I hope it's funny and loves to play. And better yet, I hope it loves VA becuase that's where it will be living with me in a few short weeks!

Speaking of which, I cannot wait to move in! To be on my own and just live down there. I'm really excited. I get to see my friends again whom I havn't seen in a month or so.

Also, Harry Potter comes out really soon too! I am REALLY excited about that. I hope I have it finished by the time I go to Florida or else I'll be reading when I'm there!

Well I'm just waiting for my cousin to come over so we can run to Best Buy so I can finish my setting up process!!


Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Here at Cold Stone we sing songs, do da do da

Happy 4th of July! I guess that's where I should start. Although, it doesn't feel like July becuase it's cold and rainy right now. Oh well. So I hate rainy days, and sometimes I hate holidays even more because I don't have anything to do. People are with their families or having parties and usually I am too, but I don't think that the 4th, on a rainy day, warrants a party. I have to work tonight and I really hope people don't want ice cream on a cold rainy day.

Yesterday I went to the dentist and my teeth are nice and clean, kind of hurt, but clean. I also scheduled to have my wisdom teeth pulled on July 17th. That means that my last day of work is going to be the 16th! I'm excited about that part because I'll have some time off in the Summer before I go to Florida and before I leave. I hope it doesn't hurt too much when they're doing it. I hope I get good painkillers too!

The other day I ordered a bunch of Disney movies from Amazon and they should be here tomorrow! Speaking of being here, my MacBook should be here tomorrow too!! I cannot wait for it to arrive. I received some helpful information so that I can transfer all my stuff to the new computer!

I bought a ferret cage on Monday, and I'm going to buy the ferret sometime next week. I'm really excited about that too. I wonder what its name will end up being...hmm

Well that's all I've got for now, except yesterday at work I cuz my leg on the stupid cold stone and it started bleeding.

Al fin.


Monday, July 2, 2007

Just brushed clean feeling

I have to go to the dentist tomorrow...not really excited. I know I have a cavity and that's just not fun. I also think my wisdom teeth need to be pulled so that's just going to suck. I hope it doesn't mess up my summer plans, aka Florida and moving back to Nofo. Although, if I'm getting my wisdom teeth pulled it'll mean I can't work! Hooray! But the pain is going to blow.

So what's new in the life of Andrew...well, I ordered a macbook on Saturday and that should be here soon! I'm getting a ferret soon. I bought the cage today, and the pet store gets new ones in next week sometime so I'll go then and see what's good.

Tonight is my last night at McDs for the week. Then I have three nights at Cold Stone. Not this coming friday, but the one after that should be quite a nice paycheck! That's all that's really new with me. Just hanging out and chilling. Counting down the days til I go to Florida and then move back to Virginia. I'm super excited. I want classes to start and I just want to live down there. It's going to be great living on my own. Probably a little scary too, but overall a lot of fun. I'm going to be the only one living there for a while I think. Andrew is moving in on the 15th or so, and I don't know when the other three are moving in. I think when my mom moves me in I'll ask her if she'll buy the first bunch of grocieries! I'm spoiled I know, but hey...what can I say?

I'm excited to go to Busch when I get there because I want to ride the new ride! My friend Kelly is coming down with me when I move in, that's going to be tons of fun too! Well that's all I've got for now. Please enjoy my life.


Saturday, June 30, 2007

Uncommon Convenience

So i always find random titles for my posts. This one is printed on a Wachovia pamphlet I received in the mail the other day. Maybe it will tie into what I'm writing.

So another day of work has passed and it wasn't too bad. I was done with all my stuff by 12:30 again, but didn't get out of there until 12:50 becuase other people didn't finish their stuff. I'm also a little bitter towards that place because I only have 10 hours next week. Sunday and Monday.

Sunday is not going to be a fun working day. I work 12-5 at Cold Stone and then 7-12 at McDonalds. I am going to be pooped. Hopefully it will result in lots of money by the end of the summer though.

Last night at work I was working with this kid who likes to talk about everything, even though eh doens't know lots about anything. So he was telling me how all religion is a lie and that everything about Christ is based on astrology. Apparntly in the past there have been 10 or so other figures that were born on the 25th of December, had 12 disciples, were killed on the cross, and were resurected 3 days later. He was going on and on, until finally I aruged a point with him and I said, "Sorry, you're talking to a Christian here." And he replied, "Oh, are you offended?" and I replied, "Not offended, I just think you're wrong." Then we got a huge order and the conversation stopped. But then again he asks, "So what sect are you?" and I reply, "Catholic." "Do you like it?" he asked me and I said, "Very much so." and then the conversation was done for good.

I feel like I kind of missed an opputunity for some evangelism there. Oops. We'll see where else these conversations can lead in the coming weeks.

The other night when I was working, I told the working manager (with whom I had never really worked before) that I really hate wasting all this food and he goes, "I heard." Do the managers talk about me? If they do I wonder what they're saying. Apparntly they talk about how much I hate wasting all that food. Last night I didn't waste that much, becuase I don't cook as much right before we're about to close. I would rather tell the customers that we're out of something than throw it all away.

Today I have to work CS 6-10. It'll be a cute little 4 hour shift. that place is a lot of fun. I like working there. McDonalds can be fun, but mostly it's just tiring and I get burned. Speaking of which, last night I got burned something gross, the skin on two of my fingers blistered immediately and then it popped and oozed and now I have a cut. It sucks. I wonder how scarred I'm going to be by the time I leave there.

Well that's all I've got for now.


Thursday, June 28, 2007

Del dicho al hecho hay mucho trecho

This title sums up life I believe. It means, "it's easier said than done." I don't know about you (my obsessive readers...HA), but I feel it's a lot easier to say you're going to do something than to actually do it. I feel as if that translates a lot with sin. At least I know in my own life it does. I say I'll try and stop doing something and then I usually end up doing it more. Either I'm not really trying, or my heart isn't in it and I'm not truly asking to have my heart changed. I guess sin confuses me. I know that I shouldn't be doing certain things, yet I do them anyway, even though right before I say, "wow, I shouldn't do this," yet there I go and do it. Tonight at work I feel that God really opened my eyes to certain aspects of my life:
1. I get angry way too easily. This woman at work is constantly telling me how to do my job, and that I should be doing something else when it's not her place. I get so angry at her and usually end up yelling back and swearing and screaming. What does this accomplish? Nothing. It just makes both of us angrier. After a while she came up to me and said, "What do you think about 12:30?" and I replied, "Let's do it." Meaning, let's get out of her really early, so she began helping me close down my station by taking dishes and I just lost all my anger. People surprise you and it's not cool to prejudge them (or judge them at all, becuase hey, who am I to judge anyone?).
This ties into point 2. I judge people way too soon and harshly. The manager that closed tonight, if you asked me any other day before today I would tell you that I cannot stand him. Tonight he was talking to me and asking me questions about my life and he's a really good guy. My mentality with people over the age of 24 at that place is that they have no life goals and are working at McDonalds. But who am I to judge their choice of work? So tonight I just realized that my anger gets me nowhere and I need to stop judging people.

Today my friend Doug called me and we had a good conversation, broken up into three parts, but still good, and he said that this was going to be a weekly thing. That gives me something to look forward to each week and it's also encouraging that my friends from VA do care about me and want to know how my summer and life are going. Especially since right now all I want to do is go back there and relax.

Tomorrow my friend Kelly is going to NYC for a week and I feel as if I'm going to be really bored. I'm really selfish when it comes to my friends. I want them just for me, I never want to share them. I guess I should get over that, huh?

Another thing that was really exciting was that Jason e-mailed me in Spanish the other day. I love reading Spanish and I love writing and speaking it even more. So I wrote him back a nice long letter just in Spanish and I hope it helps him practice and that he understands all that I said. I'm really excited to get back to VA and talk to him in Spanish, and English.

Also yesterday I had a party. It was more like a cookout and bonfire. My friend Stacy's friend Kristin came up to ROC to visit from Florida so the party was in her honor. It was really cool chilling with people by the fire all night and catching up about college and other things. A lot of people came that I really havn't spoken to since senior year and it was cool to see what they're up to.

Well, that's all I got for ya now. So check back in a few days for more adventures in the life of Andrew.


PS I think I'm going to buy a ferret soon, they're really cool. Okay, bye.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

You just never know

So lately I've just been extremely apathetic towards everything. I call people, they don't know answer and then they don't call you back right away. It's discouraging. It also sucks when you don't talk to people all the time like you want to. But everyone is busy and you can't just expect them to be available when you are.

Today I got a voicemail from my friend Doug and he said, "I'm going to tell you what this man said to me coming out of church. He looked me in the eye and said, "Be encouraged," and shook my hand with both of his. So I am standing here shaking your hand with mine and looking you in the eye and saying, "Be encouraged.""

That right there just was great to hear. I feel as if I just get bogged down with all that's on my mind and I forget about the great things that are in this life. I focus on the negative aspects. So I guess I was shocked today, but in a great way.

My friend Kelly is on her way over and I'm excited to hang out with her. I hung out with Katie and Jeremiah today and we went to the mall and then to lunch. They make my Summer fun and relaxed. I have to work tonight and I'm just not upset about it anymore. I look forward to work now. The people are strange, but a lot of fun.

I guess encouragement is something that we all need a lot of, and it makes me wonder if I am giving encouragement to anyone or if my negativity is pouring out onto them. I think this calls for an examination of how I portray my life to people.

Well that's all I got for now.


Sunday, June 17, 2007

I guess we're all a bit emo sometimes

Well today was just not a good day. I went to bed at 2 last night and got up around 9, I know that's 7 hours of sleep but it was 7 sucky hours of sleep. I wanted to go to church but I had no motivation to get out of bed, so I laid there for an hour and a half and then finally got up. Today was Father's Day and I'm just not down with this day, so I went to Katie's house and played cards with her, Jeremiah, and her mom. I love her family.

I came home and had to eat dinner by myself since I have to work at 7 and that just doens't fit anyone else's schedule, so I did that and watched tv and continued reading this book.

I am definitely ready to go back to Virginia. I've had my fill of NY. People are fake and stupid sometimes and I just want to leave them.

The other day my mom was talking about getting a puppy. I'm pretty sure she's saying that because she wants me to come home after this summer and she thinks a puppy will make me. Not just any puppy, but the kind of dog I've wanted since I was little.

I just don't know how I feel about my family these days. I never see them, and when they're around I am in my room with the door closed reading. Whenever I'm in my house all I do is read. I guess that's why I'm never home at night. I'm always at my friend's house playing cards or working late. I think it's pretty bad that I have no desire to talk to them. Today Rich thanked me for the present that he received for Father's Day. I walked by and said "no problem." I have no idea what this gift was. Rich is a great guy, but he's not my dad. If I don't celebrate this day with my real dad why would I celebrate it with him? I think I'm really bitter about something right now and I don't really know what it is.

I think I run away to VA. I know that I can get away from my family and only deal with them through the telephone. It's a lot easier that way.

Well, on a happier note I'm going to lunch with Darcy tomorrow. I think I'll include a picture of her with this post so you can see who I'll be eating with!

Well, that's it for tonight...I'm going to try and sleep for a while.


Today is the day

Today is the day that I'm going to stop eating meat. I don't really know why, I just feel like it. Maybe I'll lose more weight, that's a plus. I think it will also be a challenge to myself because I love to eat meat, especially chicken. Oh well.

So work is actually kind of fun now, last night I worked with a bunch of good people and I know what I'm doing now so it was fun. I got to wear the fun headset and hear when people order. Sometimes people are morons.

During my shift I went to get my drink, which is right by the manager's office, and my manager said, "can I ask you a question?" and I said, "sure." and she goes, "Are you a Christian?" and I said, "Yes," and she goes, "Can I just tell you that it shows?" and I was like, "ok," and walked away. Is that a good thing that she said that? I was a little confused. I think it was becuase I really like this manager. She was a lot of fun and she wants me to go to the Roost with her sometime (the Roost is a club that plays country music and you do line dancing). It's pretty freaking cool. So needless to say, work ended and I came home and went to bed. For some reason I can never go to sleep as soon as I get home, I have to wait like oh, an hour before I do. I'm kind of weird.

I have to work agian tonight and I'm not really dreading it at all. We close at 11 today so I'll get out earlier!! The only thing I dread is wearing my shoes becuase they cut into the back of my foot and it hurts. I guess I'll put a band-aid on it.

Today is Father's Day and I don't know how I feel about this day. I think I've decided not to celebrate it.

Tomorrow I think I'm going to lunch with my pal Darcy, we've been rescheduling it for a long time now and I'm hoping that it works out tomorrow.

I have to call Cold Stone today, both VA and NY ones. I'm excited to start there!

Well that's all I've got for now...leave some comments


Saturday, June 16, 2007

I need to cut my nails

Well, it's currently Saturday June 16, 2007 and I am bored out of my mind. I have done nothing today except read more of this amazing book (The Stone Monkey) and clean my room. Sometimes I hate that I work at night because my friends work during the day and then our paths don't get to cross. But maybe tonight I can play cards with my Euchre buddies, it's what I do every night. No joke.

I just realized that the shorts I was wearing were covered in fish grime so I went and changed. I have to work tonight from 7-close. It's really not fun at all, mainly because it's McDonalds and the people are weird and I'm surrounded by food that can probably kill you (granted the meat is 100% beef...I checked). I also think I hate it becuase I don't know what I'm doing yet too. I mean I know what I'm supposed to do, I'm just not good at it yet. Yesterday I was making a sandwhich and the guy who was working with me said "it's a double cheeseburger" so I made it a double cheeseburger but really it was a Double Quarter Pounder or something and it was made wrong so it had to be thrown away. All I kept thinking to myself was, there are signs DIRECTLY ABOVE me which tell me how to make them, don't tell me what it is becuase you're going to confuse me. But I kind of like making the burgers and chicken and other things. It's more fun than putting the sandwhiches together.

Closing isn't that hard, it just takes a long time if you have to wait for the other sections to finish their crap.

But other than that I think I'm enjoying this Summer. I feel like it should be over since I finished all my exams and stuff on May 1. I wouldn't be too disappointed if I had to go back to Norfolk right now. I cannot wait to move into the house and start living there. I'm excited to see what next year brings not only with classes but with IV and just meeting new people! I can't wait also to go back to working at Cold Stone in VA. I love those people! I don't really know what else is on my mind right now, except that I long for the Christian community I left behind in VA. I feel completely alone sometimes up here, especially since Katie moved back to VA already. But I continue to keep in touch with people from school and it's not that bad, but I can't wait til I'm surrounded by it again.

I'm pretty excited also becuase my dad is buying me a bed for when I move back to Virginia, I know that's really weird that I'm excited about a bed, but I love beds, and I love it when I can fit in them and be really comfortable. My room at the new house is kind of a mess right now because I don't have any furniture, just a bunch of crap that was living in my aunt's garage. I'll put a picture in to show you faithful readers (Andrew).

Well that's about it for now

Leave some comments here and there.